Chapter 10- all night long.

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hope you guys enjoyed that extra 😋


"C'MON YOU SLOWPOKE" [name] yelled at Miya, who was behind.


As the two of you finally arrive, you're dead.
On the ground, exhausted.

"This is exactly why I didn't run" Miya said, criticizing you.

"Oh shut up, let's just go inside, cmon cmon"

As Miya grabbed the cart, you two dashed inside the store. Grabbing anything that was good, pure junk food, or just interesting foods.
Like carbonated milk.

"Ew" Miya groans. "It looks....okay?" you respond.

"Ahahaha Miya hop on"
"Why so cheery?" he asks.


"I'm in my mom's car, vroom vroom" Miya says as soon as he's situated in the cart.

"GET OUT MY CAR!" I yell, shaking the cart after.
"AwwAHHH-" Miya yells as I push the cart forward, out of no where. Scoring a yelp from Miya.

"WHAT THE HECK [NAME] WHAT THE HECK" Miya whisper-shouts, not wanting to attract attention.  Well, more than what they already had.

"Tehee" [name] giggles.

They continue to waltz around the store, grabbing random things........
I tell you they regret buying all that.

"That'll be $605.75"


[name] was dead. Dead as hell.
But it was for Miya's birthday...his mom will understand, right?



"You're actually going to pay for all that?" Miya questions.
"Im spoiling you today, I'll regret this..BUT IM DOING IT FOR YOU!"

[name] whisper shouted as the slid the card in order to pay.

you owe me one Miya.


"You now qualify as my sugar daddy" Miya said.

"SHEEEEEEEEESH" [name] did the face.
You know exactly what I'm talking about.

"I'm mean, say less"

Miya's eyes widen in mischief.

'Im sure I'm going to regret this'

[name] did regret it.
It went #1 on his list of 'top 20 things i regret.'

He ended up spending over $1,000. That money wasn't even his. IT WAS HIS MOMS.

He loved to see how miserable [name] was right now.

"Yeah. No"

"Because I've spent over $1,000?!! UH IDK, MAYBE???"
"No more role play..let's go"



After shopping and spending the hell out of [name]'s mom's card,
Miya and [name] decided to have a nice, friendly, lovely picnic at the public park near their house.

(A/n: it has come to my attention that people don't know the difference between a playground and a park...)

We set down our picnic blanket on the grass and took out the hella snacks we (i) had bought. It was heavenly. We got chips, ice cream, candy, cheesecake, bruh we even got a 3 Layer cake. Anything, you name it. This is going to be a one hell of a feast, if I do say so myself. We know we aren't going to finish it all, but Miya decided to spend my mother's bank account on snacks. Just for funzies😍

"YOU ARENT EVEN GOING TO FINISH THAT!" I yelled at Miya. He had decided it would be a good idea to buy a custom made 3-layer cake. With the words "praying for your bank account" Like bitch if you don't-😐

"I know😁 but why not? You're paying anyways🥺"

The one time I decide to be nice....never again.

As we set down the snacks, we realized there wasn't any space for us to sit at. But we weren't going to throw away the food, no no.
What happened next had me shocked.

"Here you can sit on this..." Miya said, giving me his sweater.
"ARE YOU GOING TO TAKE IT OR NOT?!" He yelled. I swear he had blush on his cheeks. Embarrassment? (oho not close at all buddy😏)
I quickly take the sweater.
"You're being nice?!" I ask In disbelief
"I can be nice too, you know?" Miya looks at me.
"It's just unexpected, especially from you- OWW" Miya smacked me😔😕‼️
Miya decided to take the chips(that were placed in a basket) and placed them in his lap. He then sit in their previous position.
"That's smart" I say.
"Of course it is, who do you think I am?"

We started eating and laughing out asses off as time passed.
It soon became dark.

As we look around, more and more people start to leave. Of course we weren't going to leave as well, the less people, the better.
Suddenly, some old dude stumbled and got help from some kids, however they fell as well.
"Pfft, bahahahh" we laughed, trying to keep the noise as low as possible.

"Seeing people fall is my favorite hobby😍" Miya says.

"In skateboarding, don't lots of people constantly fall?" I question.
"Obviously, that's why I love skating"
"Ahaha you are evil, Miya"
"I thought you already knew that🤨"

Miya faces me, in confusion.
The sun was setting, it's final orange, red rays o framing his face perfectly.
"Miya are you an angel?"
This made him quite flustered.

"Where'd u get that idea from?" He asks.

"I'm not sure, sorta just popped into my head.."
"Well to answer your question, no I'm not an angel..."
"But a hero"

Yeah that's expected.

"Um I bought you a l l this stuff, I'd say I'm the hero here"
"hero my ass" Miya says.
"You did not😠 at least say thank you?😕" I ask.
he sighs.
"Thank you, [name]"
this made me smile
"No problem, Miya." I say, with the same smile on my face.

It was now night time. The party has just begun.


Not that I study, but school takes up a lot of time.
Pls I'm so sorry 😢
I'll try to update more, no promises tho😋 but a lot of people seem to like this, so thank you. really.
Please tell me if there are any spelling mistakes😥

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