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Identify where does your self love starts to deteriorate. Is it when you start gaining calories? Is it when you are scrolling through Instagram and you come across those models with certain standards of beauty with perfect features and body? Is it when you compare yourself to others? Is it when somebody calls you certain words or comment on how your skin is getting dark, your acne is getting worse or your body rolls are visible?

I have been struggling to love myself and this comes in all forms and shape. I realized that after today. Body disfiguration has been something that i have most trouble with. It is sad how i have ignored something so much because I did not want to come to terms that it exists. And I did. Just for time being though until it takes a toll on you and you find yourself back on square one.

I say give yourself a break. Give yourself the air to breathe. Breathe out all the suffocation you have filled yourself with from the standards of beauty and perfection. It is more than what meets the eye. Look how far you have come. The battles you have won. As if life isnt already hard enough you bring yourself more trouble to achieve this standard of beauty and when you cant you start hating yourself.

Cut yourself some slack and question yourself. Would you treat those who you love the way you treat yourself? If your answer is no, that is where you lack self love. Love yourself first. Acknowledge the battles you have won within yourself without anyone knowing about it. Acknowledge the support and love you have given to people when you were breaking yourself. Acknowledge the time you got up when you thought you couldnt. The person you see in the mirror has gone through so much but still manages to make it through. Give them some love because they deserve it. 

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