Harry visibly relaxed.

"What's your name?" Colin asked excitedly.

"Uh- Rose."

"Aren't you guys going to Hogsmeade, Harry? Why not? Hey—" Colin looked eagerly around at his friends—"you can come and sit with us, if you like, Harry and Rose!"

"Er—no, thanks, Colin," said Harry who wasn't in the mood to have a lot of people staring avidly at the scar on his forehead. "We- We've got to go to the Library, got to get some work done."

After that, he had no choice but to turn right around, grab Roses arm, and drag her out of the portrait hole again.

"What was the point of waking me up?" the Fat lady called grumpily after them as they walked away.

Harry and Rose walked dispiritedly toward the library, but halfway there Harry changed his mind; he didn't feel like working. He turned around pulling Rose with him, and came face-to-face with Filch, who had obviously just seen off the last of the Hogsmeade visitors.

"What are you too doing?" Filch snarled suspiciously.


"Making out."

said both Harry and Rose at the same time.

Harry turned wide eyed to Rose. She mouthed 'go along with it.'

He was shocked but did what she said. "Yeah. M-Making out."

Filch narrowed his eyes in disgust.

"Making out!" spat Filch, his jowls quivering unpleasantly. "A likely story!—"

"You want proof?" Asked Rose.

"Sneaking around—why aren't you in Hogsmeade buying Stink Pellets and Belch Powder and Wissing Worms like the rest of your nasty little friends?" He continued, choosing to ignore Roses comment.

Harry and Rose shrugged.

"Well, get back to your common rooms where you belong!" snapped Filch, and he stood glaring until Harry and Rose had passed out of sight.

"Wait." Rose stopped Harry.


"Remember when you asked me if i was going to Hogsmeade a while ago?"

Harry thought for a moment, then said "Oh, yeah. Why?"

"I said we could go to the Astronomy Tower! C'mon!" She said smiling, grabbing his hand and dragging him off to the Tower.

He stared at Rose with love in his eyes. Although, neither of them knew it.

They got to the stairs of the tower and starting climbing. They got to the top, walking over to the ledge and sat down next to eachother.

Harry looked over at her and just stared, admiring her beauty.

"Are you done staring yet, Harry?"

He snapped out of it and looked away, flushed.

"So," He decided to make conversation. "Who do you live with? Since— you know."

Roses stomach turned, but answered anyway. "Well, i was adopted into a.. family at age six."

"Oh, what are they like?"

Rose glanced at him and he looked genuinely intrigued.

She sighed, and answered truthfully. "They're... awful."

That clearly wasn't the answer he was expecting. "Oh.. why?"

"Well, they are... i guess.. abusive? in a way?"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐡𝗼 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝗼𝐰; Harry PotterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora