Me: " Im not only only one with a obsession with black and white. (laughs)"

Claire: "Yeah..I made all these decorations myself."

Me: "Well these look really nice!"

Claire: "Thanks!"

Thats when Two Dalmatians entered the room. They looked older then the other 101 Dalmatian Puppies so I'd assume they were the parents.

Pongo: "Hello Sorry I don't recognize you."

I was startled a bit because I don't remember any animals being able to talk, well other then Dude who ate the truth Gummy Mal was gonna give me so I can force out my feelings for Jane right away (I didn't need it anyways).

Me: "Im sorry...Im just not used to talking animals.."

The Female Dog Smiled.

Perdita: "Its aright dear. Most Animals in Auradon do talk and communicate with Humans. Im guessing from where your from there's no talking animals?"

Me: "Well....Not really. Except Scar...although I never interacted with him while on the isle.."

Pongo: "wait...Scar as in The Monster that killed Mufusa? Isle as in The Isle of The Lost?? Black and white..wait are YOU-?!"

Me: "Yeah..I am Cruella's son. But I am nothing like her. I love animals with a pasison and Im absolutely sickened of what my mom tried to do to you guys."

Perdita: "Ok..Well You seem nice from the interactions I saw with you and Roger and Anita..If you don't mind me asking..How's your interaction with your mother and father?"

Me: "Mom is absolutely abusive as hell, its a nightmare to live with her. You have to agree with her or she'd attack you and forget about getting a good night sleep because Mom would constantly wake me up at 1 IN THE MORNING to have me do My usual chores but excessive ones too like rearranging her furs by color, no by pattern, no in a specific way! Every single day she wants me to rearrange her furs, purses, rugs and everything, all of which are obviously made of fur of any animal under the sun except sea life because she's friends with Ursula who would come over a lot. And I Did not mention doing her nails, painting the walls to all spots, making her tea during the morning, afternoon and night, and she would have ME A MINOR to put alcohol in it and just the smell of the liquor and all the smoking, she does a lot of smoking in the house, no matter how much I tell her to stop not only for my own health but also Because I care about her and love her with all my heart and yet she doesn't love me back, anyways she would have me do literally every single thing in the house and how many responsibilities does she have ZERO and its a huge mansion with only me and her, besides her henchmen which you know as Horace and Jasper and their sons."

Claire: "Oh my god!"

Pongo: "Wow..She's kinda treating you like how Lady Tremaine Treated Cinderella.."

Me: "EXACTLY and speaking of Tremaine, every week she would host a "parent club" where Frollo, Mother Gothel, Lady Tremaine, Evil Queen, Jafar, Scar, and a few others would come to our house and basically spend the whole day untill 12 PM bragging about how they abuse their children and its the "right way" of parenting while I, like you mentioned, am treated like a second Cinderella..and don't get me started on Tremaine gives my Mom ADVICE of how to be as passive aggressive and emotionally abusive as possible and said and I qoute; "DON'T FOCUS ON PHYSICAL ABUSE, EMOTIONAL ABUSE GETS YOU FARTHER AND YOU JUST INJURE YOURSELF WITH PHYSICAL ABUSE!!!"

Claire who was taking a sip of a coffee with a brand name called "Starbucks" spitted out her drink when I quoted Tremaine.

Pongo: "I-I-Good Lord."

Descendants 4: Heros and VillansWhere stories live. Discover now