EPISODE 21 (Special Moves)

Start from the beginning

Hatsume: I have no idea on what your talking about if that's all I'll go back on working on my babies!!

Izuku: ah hold on I was hoping to talk to power loader about revsing my costume

Hatsume: Costume Remodeling?! Come on in!!

Inside the Department

P.L: okay show me your costumes blueprint it should be included in the case it came in don't worry I'm license to do this I'll take a look and see what were can fiddle with

Izuku: well I was think on fully changing out of my hero costume would that be possible

P.L: right than give me the details on what it that you want to have then

Before he could continue Hatsume began to rome around Izuku body touching while two girls watched in jeluos

Hatsume: okay okay I see

Uraraka: w-what are you doing Hatsume?..

Hatsume: heh heh heh I'm touching his body yes yes your more ripped than what his looks like heh heh this'll be perfect for you

Some how Hatsume break time and space Continuum and places Midoriya into a metal outfit

Hatsume: This Is My Baby The Power Suit


Hatsume: this high tech baby senses whenever your muscles contract and aid I movement! It's my 49 creation!!

She press a button activating the power suit on

Izuku: wow cool it's moving on its own

The top of the suit began to rotate to the left while the bottom part stay still it continue to rotate almost twisting Izuku spine before anything bad could happened hatsume turn the summit off

Kendo/Uraraka: Midoriya!!/Deku-kun!!

Hatsume: looks like the mobility software buggy sorry about that

Uraraka and kendo when to Izuku side to check if anything bad happens to him

Izuku: All I want is just to redesign my costume and I nearly got my spine snapped in two

Hatsume: guess I could always use that one to immobilize bad guys than

Iida slowly when toward power loader whispering to him so hatsume couldn't hear



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Toshinori:How's they coming along Aizawa

Aizawa: here again? They're doing okay

Most student had already some kind of Idea on what would there Ultimate moves were going to be close to the teachers location Bakugo had just tried out one of his Ultimate moves out concentrating his explotions in one point creating his AP Shot move from the damage it made part of the Rock had fell down going down towards the retired hero

IZUKU THE IOP GOD (Paused/Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now