EPISODE 16 (Training Camp/ Season 3)

Start from the beginning

Izuku:( /// )Melissa pls be quiet I don't want her to listen!!

Izuku not wanted to be teased goes to the front of the group but he gets alittle farter than than a giant create step Infront of his way

Izuku not wanted to be teased goes to the front of the group but he gets alittle farter than than a giant create step Infront of his way

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he immediately destroys it while more and more come and attack his class

Later at 5:20 pm

Pixix-Bob: There finally here

Finally all the student from class 1A and 1B come out of the forest some tired while some injured but the most that got their attention was the group of 5 which was no other than Izuku, Melissa, Iida, Todoroki and Bakugo does were the 5 that took on mostly on all the earth beast

Setsuna:I'll only take 3 hours Yea right

Kirishima:I'm hungry I'm gonna die

Mandalay: sorry that how quick we would take

Sato:flaunting the power gap in our faces

Setsuna: at least they don't think we're weak

Pixix-Bob: we actually thought it'd take you longer and you guys dealt with my earth beast pretty easily not bad especially you five (points at the last 5 mentioned)I'm guessing you life experience allowed you to act without hesitation well I'm gonna mark my you guys as mine!!

Aizawa: hey mandalay I didn't know she was like that

Mandalay: she's worried about being alone forever

Izuku: hey I been wondering whose that boy whose child is that

Mandalay: oh he's actually my nephew Kota come here and say hello your be spending a week with this guy's after all

Izuku: hi I'm Izuku Midoriya from UA nice to meet you

And as a result instead of getting a greet hes met with a punch at his crouch knocking all his strength out


Kota: I can't stand jerks who wonnna be heroes


Bakugo: Ha cute

Todoroki: (You two are a lot alike)

Aizawa: Drop your thinks in your room than come to dinner in the mess hall after that you'll bathe that it's bedtime the real training starts tomorrow now hurry up

As Aizawa said they all went to eat and lot eat more than what they should and after that they all went to take a long nice bath in the boys one Kota was looking out if any of the boys tried to climb the walls that seperated them from the girls he was about to leave since he didn't see no boys try to do anything but he took a wrong step and fell down but Izuku seeing he was falling he just in time saved him from the fall he left and took Kota to his aunt since he was out cold from all most dying when he found her he asked why Kota hated the heroes she told him that Kota parents were heroes who died in the line of duty and when they died he fealt abandoned by them with his questioned answer he left to his room to sleep since tomorrow the real training began

IZUKU THE IOP GOD (Paused/Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now