𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

Bắt đầu từ đầu

So Technoblade made it his top priority that his brother was comfortable and fed in every way possible.

Piglins were greedy. They didn't care for the children.

Parents usually left them to rot if they were a slight inconvenience in any way, which was pretty hard concidering you were a child. Of course you were.

Techno used to be nothing but a little theif as a kid, stealing from any nearby piglin villages, but 90% of his stolen items went to his younger twin, Wilbur.

The only thing Techno cared about was Wil, nothing else mattered to the boy.


The Ghost floated up the snowy stairs to knock on Technoblade and Philza's door.

A tall pink haired man with pointy, elf like ears and a crown opened the door, a slight warmth hitting the Ghosts ice cold face from the inside.

"Wilbur?" Technoblade said, standing in the doorway, shocked.

"Techno!!" The ghost jumped to his older twins arms, engulfing him in a cold, but cozy hug.

"Hi!" The spirit beamed

"Come on in," The piglin said, letting go of his dead brothers hug after a few seconds and gestered his hands for him to go inside.

"Its freezin' out here." Techno said, smiling.

Technoblade always gave off a warm and welcoming presence in his retirement, it was nice.

Ghostbur made his way inside, looking around the quaint cottage, his eyes catching a hot fireplface, he stared at it for a while.

It sparked warmth in Wilburs chest, fireplaces has always made wilbur feel at home, Phil always had one lit as kids.

It wasnt ever not toasty in their childhood home.

"Wheres Dad?" Wilbur blurted, turning his gaze to Technoblade who had sat down on the nearby couch, organizing the books left on top of it.

"He's out doin' stuff, dunno when he'll be back though." The pig yawned, it was around 8:30 in the morning.

"..oh" The Ghost and Piglin then proceeded to have a very long conversation.

Ghostbur still being oblivious to what his little brother was going through at the camp.

Time skip, 3 hours.

"Hey uhm.. Wilbur?" The pink haired man scratched his neck, looking at the Ghost fiddling with a house plant.

"Yes, Technoblade?" The spirit said in a calm tone.

"Hows Tommy? Im sure exiles been pretty rough for him." Techno asked Ghostbur, curious to how the brats been doing all by himself.

The company of only his dead brothers ghost must be pretty scarring.

"Oh-! I..!" Ghostbur looked at the floor, thinking.

Technoblade stared at wilbur with a look of "????" On his face, raising an eyebrow.

The Ghost then remembered everything.

The sight of his half dead little brother.

His shirt being ripped to shreds by his own hands.


Ghostbur you IDIOT.
Why can't you remember anything?

The ghost launched off of the couch they were sitting on. Obviously distressed, making Techno jump a little at the sudden reaction.

"Wha-- wilbur? You okay-?" Techno looked up at his dead brother.

"N-No!! I- Tommy's hurt! I-I--" The spirit stuttered, shaking.

"Technoblade, Tommy's very, very hurt-! I-I dont know whats happened to him, he looked fucking DEAD, Techno-!" He yelled frantically

"What--" Techno's eyes widened with worry.

"We need to leave, right now! Im such an idiot! Why cant I remember anything!?" Ghostbur grabbed Technoblade and yanked him out the door by his wrist, rushing over to their campsite.

"Hold on Wil-!! Let me get Carl, he's much faster than us on foot--"

Technoblade quickly ran over to his stable for his beloved horse conntected to his house, and yelled at Wilbur to get on, he seemed pretty on edge.

Technoblade isnt one to get stressed so easily, I thought he hated Tommy? He was part of the government after all.

Doesn't he?


I think this is a good time to end the chapter :)

sorry for it taking so long, im not that good at writing dgjdv

and what did yall think of Quackity's latest lore stream?? Holy shit he popped off 😩

Word count: 1167 words

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