Chapter 7

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We make our way outside after covering ourselves in Wayne's intestines and anything else he had in his body.

Glenn actually had a hand and foot hanging off him, and I had the other of each casually stuffed in my pockets. Now that's one for the books.

We share a look between the three of us before shuffling through the alley towards two male walkers, Morales closing the door behind us with an audible slam.

The walkers in question show brief interest in us, and Glenn visibly draws in on himself. The dead only groan before continuing their stumbling through the dank alleyway. Which means it works.

I chance a look behind us where the two are practically circling the same spot. I took the chance to get a close look at Walker's behavior when not in contact with the smell of living flesh.

They're surprisingly dormant, seemingly looking for something to eat, but not going as far as to blatantly sniff it out. There is a group of humans in the building right in front of them - who have come through the door multiple times today - and they're none the wiser. Which means two possible things.

One: That our 'living smell' doesn't linger, or else the two would've gone after Morales' scent as he was there not 2 minutes ago, no blood or guts shielding his smell as we have.

Two: They seem to distract easily. Not in every case, since the Walkers at the storefront haven't relented on getting through that last door, but these Walkers seem to have forgotten entirely that humans are near.

I wonder what else I can decipher when we're safe.

I turn back to see the men getting down slowly and follow suit. We were careful not to make noise with our weapons against the ground.

Rick had his bloody axe, Glenn had a crowbar-looking thing, and I had what I think was a heavy wrench. Looked like a weird version of the spanner sets my dad had in the cellar. I also had my knife on my belt, just in case.

Not to be confused with calling someone a 'spanner'. That's an insult.

Crawling under the bus was difficult, to say the least. Holding up the metal weapon so it didn't scrape against the floor and gain unwanted attention strained my arm and slowed my crawling abilities. I swear I can crawl faster when I'm not trying to keep myself alive.

We could see the rotting feet of the dead on the other side, as well as a body pulling itself around to our left. It was terrifying, I admit. Yes, the plan worked on two Walkers, but this giant group of them? I'm not so confident.

Standing up, we begin to leave without any walkers prying eyes on us. I see out of the corner of my eye that the crawling walker was once a woman, with a purple shirt and blonde hair.

Walking down the street was nothing short of 'shit your pants' scary. Every so often a Walker would turn and sniff the air as we amble by, or if one came between two of us it would stop for a second before resuming its stumble.

'It's working.' I thought. We had been so lucky thus far that my confidence was starting to slip back into place. 'We might actually have a straight shot at this!'

Apparently, Glenn thought so too, but he decided it was a good idea to voice it. In the middle of a herd of Walkers.

"It's gonna work." He whispered, "I can't believe it."

Fight With You - Daryl Dixon TWDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن