Chapter 8

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Meet And Greet

The day passed by quickly after that.

It was mostly just meeting the rest of the group and doing chores until dinner was ready.

I met the woman that reminded me of my mother. Her name was Carol, and her daughter was a timid little thing called Sophia. She had hidden behind her mother when we met, poking her head of blonde hair out and waving at me with a meek 'hello'.

I had the 'pleasure' of 'meeting' her husband, Ed.

He didn't even bother with anything other than his cigarette, silently glaring at whoever got close to Carol or Sophia. He even smoked while they were right next to him, Sophia obviously holding in a cough every time the wind changed and blew the smoke towards her.

Smoking is bad, and while I can't really say anything without being a hypocrit, smoking in front of non-smokers – children at that – is wrong in my book.

What a twat.

Rick introduced me to his newly reunited family too.

Lori – his wife – was nice I guess. She was wary of me but that was to be expected, with the whole 'end of the world' happening.

But she obviously had a secret, with the way she kept glancing sneakily at the guy from earlier – the one who didn't exactly look ecstatic to see Rick alive and back to his family.

He just radiated bad vibes.

Does not pass the vibe check.

Shane was his name. He and Rick were partners at the 'King country police department' or something like that. They were also best friends, and Shane was there when Rick was shot and was the one who broke the news to Lori and Carl – their son.

But the way Shane and Lori share glances while Rick talks... I don't like it.

Speaking of Rick's son, he was awesome. Carl asked more questions than I could answer, and quizzed me about his dad.

Lori had to step in because I hadn't had the chance to answer the first question when he was asking the fifth.

Then I was carted around to the others, most of which I didn't remember the names of.


Carol, Sophia, and Ed.

Lori, Carl, and Shane.

Andrea and Amy, who loves mermaids and is not in fact 16, but 24.

The Morales family.

Glenn, Jim, and Dale.

T-dog and Jaquie.

And any other fucker who I'd already forgotten existed, just like the audience.

The only person I knew of that I still hadn't met was Merle's brother, Daryl.

It's funny, eight chapters and he still hasn't shown up. I chalk it up to bad writing.

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