Distant Brothers

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In a quick flash, he was suddenly a couple months after he had become Master Wu's student himself. It would not be long before Kai and Nya would show up, but as of yet Cole was the only one.

"Do I get my weapon now?" he asked eagerly when Master Wu had suggested something would be interrupting their usual schedules of chores and balancing teacups on ropes.

"No," said Master Wu simply.

Cole made a face.

"A ninja does not slouch, when he is told to be patient," said Wu in the same simple tone as before.

"So what are we gunna do then?" asked Cole quickly straightening.

"You have been working very hard, Cole," said Wu. "And it is very impressive."

"Really? Even though, I made all those teacups crash?"

Wu winced a little, and then shook his head. "Actually, I meant with the chores. It's not every day that one sees a person under the age of eighteen clean a toilet, especially regularly. That is very impressive indeed."

He stroked his beard thoughtfully.

Cole rolled his eyes, and Wu smiled just a little beneath his beard.

"Only because we get to train too," Cole admitted.

"Oh, good. Honesty," said Wu. "That has to do with our day's mission. Come. We're having tea. You can help me brew it."

So before the irori hearth they were soon both seated comfortably. The green tea was hot and flavorful. Cole was getting quite used to the flavor. It had almost reached the point that it would be difficult to go back to hot chocolate. Ha, not really, but the bitterness on the top of the cup almost did not taste bitter to him anymore, and the sweetness on the bottom was better than before. He even felt that he had lost some extra flab and had gained some real muscle in just a short time between the training he had had and the lean, mean ninja meals. It was the first time Master Wu had admitted that he was proud of Cole with actual words; though the longer he was with him, it seemed the kinder Wu was to him and showed that he was pleased with Cole's progress without words. Not that he ever let his firmness lessen.

Even that firmness and, hey, even the sarcasm for that matter, was better than dealing with his own father, Cole thought. Anything was better than living at home.

First Master Wu took a sip. Then Cole took one. They took their sips slowly and with purpose allowing the flavor to be saturated into every taste bud before the liquid slipped down with gentle grace.

But immediately after he had taken his slow swallow, Cole asked, "So what are we going to do, Sensei?"

"After many days of hard work with much trial and new experiences, you need to settle back a little. It is time for a story."

Cole made a face. "Story time?" he asked. "You mean like about ninja warriors?"

"Yes," said Master Wu.

"Really?" asked Cole brightening.

"Yes," said Wu again after another sip, "So, I will begin."

Cole and Wu took their next slow sips and then Master Wu began. "A long, long time ago, the first master of spinjitsu perfected his art."

"Was he the best ninja of all time!?" Cole gasped. "Did he fight a great battle?"

Wu held up his hand rigidly. "Don't interrupt," he said. "You will get your turn."

A Touch of the Master's HandDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora