Chapter 30: Code E.A.R.T.H

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile, Princess Pride was sitting outside with Jasmine and the Kagamine twins.

"It is a little strange, but it feels like I've known you for years" Len said to Jasmine.

"I felt the same!" Jasmine exclaimed excitedly, "It felt like I was talking to an old friend of mine! One I haven't seen in ages!"

Pride laughed as she said, "I wonder if your powers have anything to do with those fairytales"

The twins and Jasmine sort of nodded their heads to agree with her. Raika arrived in the garden as he heard her question. He calmly walked towards them.

"There are stories detailing the powers of the continents. Each continent is said to have a unique power which comes from their land" Raika answered. 

The twins and Jasmine were surprised to see him here, but they quickly scattered as he approached the princess. He stood before her and waited. As for the princess, she was quiet and trying to not lash out at him for pulling that stunt on her.

"Princess, I'm sorry" Raika spoke first as he didn't dare look at her, "But I had no choice. I didn't want anything bad to happen to you nor my friends and family. You are all very important to me. I didn't hesitate to take a chance to sacrifice myself and protect all of you. I would gladly do it again"

He waited for the princess to say anything, but she was crying. Suddenly, she lunged forward and hugged him tightly. Raika was surprised as he held her close.

"What's wrong?" Raika asked nervously.

"I was so crushed when I thought you actually died. You just didn't hesitate to do what was right. I wanted to do the same as well! Yet, I couldn't! I wasn't there! You died!" she wailed as she lightly punched his shoulder.

He simply nodded his head at her and held her close.

"I will not do that again. I promise. I will do everything I can to make sure that nothing happens to us" he reassured her gently.

"You better. If not, then I will personally drag you back by force!" she said seriously as she hugged onto him.

Raika nodded as he understood. He would not do that again to her and their friends. The two of them sat together and just held onto each other for a long time.

"So, how is Hub doing?" Dr. Hikari asked Lan as he looked at his PET.

"I'm doing fine, papa. Nothing I can't handle" Hub reassured him.

Dr. Hikari took the PET and then looked at his other son.

"Ok! I think I can finally materialize you into the real world!" Dr. Hikari said in delight as Hub and Lan both shouted in shock.

"Can you really do it, papa?!" Lan and Hub shouted in shock.

"I believe so! Thanks to Kaito, I was able to figure out something about the data" Dr. Hikari said calmly, "I had to look at Miku's and Luka's too, but I am positive that I can bring you back as well as give you the power to materialize as a human and a Navi!"

The twins were both shocked by this until Lan realized something.

"Papa if Hub comes back, then how will I fight?" Lan asked curiously.

"Don't worry, I am sure I can figure something out. After all, Luka and Miku were able to fight with music and other abilities" Dr. Hikari reassured him, "I will just need to do some research about this and perfect it with Famous and Makoto!"

Lan and Hub were surprised as both scientists walked in.

"Right! So, let's get started! I'll need you here Lan. If this is going to work, we need your DNA to help Hub appear in the real world again" Dr. Hikari said excitedly.

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