Chapter 31: The Turnabout of Plunders!

Start from the beginning

The Judge was surprised.

"A thief stealing a little girl's pair of underwear and a priceless bracelet? Just what is the thief hoping to accomplish?" the Judge asked confused.

"That is what we are going to find out today, your honor" I said seriously as I slammed my fists on the defense bench, "We will find the truth and bring it to light today!"

"Couldn't have said it better myself! The prosecution calls its first witness to the stand!" Prosecutor Gavin said as he pointed to the doors of the court.

The doors opened to reveal Forensic Expert Ema Skye. She stood at the stand with her bag of science and snacks.

"Witness. Your name and occupation please!" Prosecutor Gavin said with a kind smile.

"Ema Skye. Forensic Expert" she answered with a nod of her head.

"Please testify to the court about your findings" Prosecutor Gavin asked of her calmly.

She simply nodded her head and then composed herself.

"It looks like the thief broke into the office through the windows. Then, the thief pushed items and other belongings to the ground. It was clear that the thief was searching for something important. Then, Mr. Wright opened the door to his office which allowed the thief to escape and flee the scene of the crime" Forensic Expert Skye testified to the court.

Well, that's about everything we know. She isn't lying either. So, what should I do next? There has to be something I can do.

"Are you ready, Polly?" Trucy asked eagerly as she sat on the edge of the chair.

"I am. Are you ready, Trucy?" I asked her with a smile.

She just nodded her head as she looked at Ema. Alright, here comes Justice!

"So, you didn't find anything else out of the ordinary?" I asked her first.

"Nothing. Though, I did find some prints that definitely didn't belong to the scene of the crime" she said with a nod of her head.

Right, we have a set of prints that don't belong to the scene of the crime. We know for a fact that anyone who works at the Wright Anything Agency should have their prints there. So, what can I do with these prints? Wait! That's it!"

"HOLD IT!" I shouted as I pointed at Ema, "Forensic Expert Skye! Those prints! Can it be used to test against something else?"

"Watch that mouth of yours. It is still early to some folks here" Forensic Expert Skye said in pointed manner, "But, yes, these prints can be used to test against other prints. That's kind of the whole point. What do you want to test the prints against?"

Alright! I knew I could do something with this piece of evidence!

"The defense requests the forensic expert to test the prints against this bouquet of flowers!" I stated as I present the flowers to the court.

"Why these flowers? They look innocent to me" Forensic Expert Skye asked confused.

"Haha! Oh, those flowers are given to performers after they perform their respective craft. I got a lot of wonderful flowers after my band and I rock out" Prosecutor Gavin said with a wink.

Ob brother.

"These were the flowers that creepy college guy gave me!" Trucy exclaimed in awe, "But why do you have it? I thought daddy had it"

"Your father gave it to me after the performance to carry back to the office. I've hanged onto it since then" I answered confidently, "So, will the forensic expert please test these prints against the flowers!"

The Turnabout of Hope Book 1: Establishing the Truth in Our LivesWhere stories live. Discover now