Rant(no need to comment)

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I'm crying😀

Also the video above has spoilers. Also the video is very sad, if im crying you all deserve to cry too😽

⚠️(dv3 ch4 spoilers below)⚠️

I'm watching a danganronpa gameplay rn

and shuichi called kokichi pathetic, and that no one wants him around, and that he'll always be alone

And as a kokichi kinnie, and kokichi being my comfort character this hurt a lot

I've heard shuichi tell kokichi he'll always be alone

(bc i got spoiled for dv3 a bit but idc that i got spoiled tbh)

But actually watching the gameplay and hearing those words from shuichi just makes me heart shatter, and saiouma is my comfort ship

Also gontas execution has to be the saddest. He just wanted to protect everyone, he didn't want them to face the hell inside and outside. So he thought it was better for everyone to die, and him facing the hell.

And i feel like kokichi does actually care, he just doesn't want his mask to fall. He doesn't want to be seen as weak and an easy target like his pregame self. He wants to be confident, and probably live up to his ultimate.

If anyone knows a happy saiouma book pls tag me

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