Chapter 3.) Come At Me Bro!

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You and Zayn step out of the car. He runs up behind you. "Let me carry you in." He carries you like a baby into the hospital. Zayn walks you through the door. He carries you over to the lobby desk. And they get all the inforation. "Okay. Go to the 18th floor and look for Dr. Turner's office." Zayn sets you down. "Thanks," tells the woman working at the desk. You two get on the elevator and go up to the 18th floor. Zayn holds you around your neck and walks behind you into his office.

Dr. Turner looks to be about 45 to 50 years. He seemed very nice, sweet and funny. "Okay, darling get up on the bed." You sit on the bed. He smiles over at Zayn. "You two are so cute together. So, darling, are you pregnaut or trying to find out?" Zayn gets out of the chair and walks up to the bed next to you. You grab his hand. "Well, we got a store test and it came out positive. We started wondering what if." He nodded. "Zayn, if you want to be closer to your daziling wife you can scoot that chair next to the bed." "Thanks, Dr." Dr. T nodded his head.

"I don't know whats taking Ms. Stacy so long. She is my assistant. Um... Hold on. I will be right back." He walked out of the room. You look over at Zayn. He could feel the puls of you heart in his hand. He kissed you on the check. "Calm down babe. Its all going to just fine. I love you. With or without the baby." You can feel a tear roll down your face. He wipes it away as Dr. T and Ms. Stacy walked in.

Your heart dropped. She was a very pretty woman. You sorda felt jelious becuase you could see her keep glancing at Zayn. She winked once. Zayn know you saw her. He squezzed your hand tighter. "I love you," he mouthed to you. You couldn't help but feel a lot better. "Okay, darling lay down on the table." Zayn let go of your hand so you could. "So lets see if you are really pregnaunt. Are you ready?" You nodded. Ms. Stacy rubbed the lotion on your stomach. And she gave you a mean look right before digging her nial into your skin. "Damn it!" You glared at her. She backed away.

She then kinda looked out of the corner of her eye looking at Zayn. She easied her was over to him. She was about 3 feet in front of him. She then backed up. Causing her to fall in his lap. You jumped off that table grabbed the collar of her shirt and yanked her off of him. Zayn backed the chair back to where it was when we got here. She laughed at you. "So is that your husband?" "Yeah. Gotta problem?" "No not really. Just wanting to know why a sexy man like him would want to date a frog face like you?" You pushed her against the wall. with your arm against her neck.

She looked back over at Zayn and then licked her lips. You hit the bttom of her mouth so she would have bit her tounge. "Your man. The things I would do to him. I could bang him and you would know anything about it." You rared you arm back as far as you could. She looked over at him again. She started rubbing her pants. You garbbed both her arms. Put them behinde her back and slamed her against the wall. "I will tell you one damn thing. You touch my man and I will kill you." You let her go. She smiled a clever smile at you. "You know threating prople his a crime, right?" You stared her right in the eye. You pushed her against the wall. "It's not a threat if its true."

Dr. T sees that you two are about to kill each other over Zayn. "Okay, girls lets just stop. Stac you know that your are at work and you are suppose to be doing your job, right?" "I know. But I dont want to do my job. I want to do him." You lose it you push Dr. T out of the way grab her by the hair on her head. And start punching her in the face. Zayn and Dr. T pull you off of her.

"Zayn let me go! I will kick her ass! You know I will! Let me at her!" She said, "I ma sorry. I was being childish. Please forgive me?" She handed her hand out to Zayn wanting him to shake it. Zayn rolled his eyes and grabbed your hand. She got pissed. She pulled you from Zayn. You feel to the floor. She went up to Zayn and grabed his pants. "Oh my god! There is no way you fucked that! It is more than Two handful!"

You got up from the floor. grabbed her by the belt loops of her pants. You made her fall to the floor. You got on top of her. You rared you arm back and tried to hit her but Zayn pulled you off of her because he knew you were abou to kill her. "Zayn! Let me go!" "NO!" She seemed pleased. "See. Now even your husband is on my team. He dont love you!" You jerked away from Zayn. Pushed her against the wall again. Now leaving a hole. You put your hands around her neck. "I am giving you the finial fuck I have!" "Well I have a lot of fucks." You were in a smartass mood. So you had a lot of clever come backs for that little bitch.

"Oh, yeah I bet you do you little whore! If you spread your legs open you couldnt tell if it was an ass or hippos mouth wide open!" She nodded. She was being a smartalic. "I knwo you want to. Why dont kick my ass already?" You smiled at Zayn then at her. "Well, 1, These shoes are new and I dont want to lose them up your ass. 2, I dont want blood on my shirt. And three..." You punched her right inbetween the eyes. She feel to the ground. You knocked her lights out.

Dr. Turner looked at you. He started to clap. You looked confussed. "Thank you so much darling! We all have been wanting to kick her ass for the past 7 years. But didnt want to lose our jobs. I promise I wont tell anyone that you did this. Because she deserved it. Now I am going to go get another assistant. And you wont have to worry about her anymore." He walked out of the room with Ms. Bitch unconcience.

Zayn ran up to you and gave you a hug. "I am so sorry! When she grabbed me I didnt know what to do! I cant hit a girl!" You pushed him a bit away from you. You looked him in the eyes. "Dont worry about it. As long as you didnt 'fuck' her I dont care. But I am really sorry that I yelled at you. I just wanted to put my boot up her babymaker." Hesmiled at you. "Its fine. I liked the way you stood up for me. It was sexy. I hope your not pregnaut because that was a huge trun on." You laughed. "Are you sure it wasnt from when she grabbed your dick?" He rolled his eyes in the joking way.

Dr. Turner walked in with another assistant. She was about 700 years old! You werent threatened by her at all. "Okay, darling, calm down. Dont hurt this one." You all juust lauged. After you got checked it actually turned out that you werent pregnaunt. Zayn started crying. Dr. T adn Mrs. Old LAdy awed. You got up and sat in Zayn's lap. You picked up his chin. "Babe, what are you crying about?" He looked downat his pants and then back at you. "I had to calm myself for the past 2 months. For nothing. I have been through deep hell pain. You have no idea how bad I wanted you." You looked at him in a confussed way. "And you dont think I didnt want you!? Zayn! Really!?" Zayn smiled at you. "Same my name like that again." You just huffed and rolled your eyes back in your head.

You and Zayn thanked Dr. T and the Ms. Packer. You two walked out of the office and got in the elevator. When you reached the lobby Zayn stepped out first. The that little bitch came running up to him again and grabed his pants. You grabbed her hair slung her at leat five feet across the lobby. "Go outside. I am tired of you. We are finishing it now!" She ran out the door so damn fast. You and Zayn followed after her. "Zayn, I want you to go get in the car. I will be there in a minute." "I am not leaving you to fight her alone." You looked at him and he could tell by your eyes that you meant what you said.

You and little bitch started punching when you got pulled away from her by a stranger. He looked you in the eye and said, "Dont fight right now. There is a cop coming. Go somewhere less populated and fight." You nodded. You walked over to her. "Get in you car and follow me and Zayn. We'll fight at my place." You two went to your cars. You closed the door. "Zayn, me and her are going to fight at the house. She will be following us." He just smiled.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2012 ⏰

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