Letter #26

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June 23th, 2015

My darling husband,

I am pleased to announce that you are now the proud father of a precious little girl, Holly Grace, born June 22nd at 3:45am. She was 8lbs 5oz and 21inches long :) (I sent a picture of our little Angel :) ) She's such a perfect baby, and almost never cries...Oh, how we wish you could be here with us. We are greatly looking forward to your return, and we pray for you every night :) I miss you so much honey, and can't wait to fall asleep in your arms once more. I know God's got you in his hands, but please be careful...you have two people to live for now. Always know that we love you, and we hope that you stay safe and healthy. We love you...

Your faithful wife,


And your beautiful daughter,

Holly Grace

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