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****Saturday, February 29, 2020****

As I was getting ready this morning, I could not shake off the feeling of nervousness. The night before was intense and I asked y/n to meet me at my house rather than the set this morning. The thought of asking y/n to have dinner with me this evening had me feeling jittery inside. I would consider myself a man that is usually calm, collected, and confident, but whenever I thought of my young fetching assistant, I felt all the opposite. How is it that such a gorgeous young woman, that could easily get anyone her age, be interested in me- someone who has a greater head start on life and experience than she.

Then I thought to myself, could she be trying to get closer to me for other motives? Recognition? Ten minutes of fame? Money? Could she be using her beguiling appearance to subdue me to gain what she wants? I have had a different array of experiences with different women who have tried to use me for their advantage or agenda, so please do not judge me for being overly cautious. I figured that I would find out the answer to this tonight.

As the sun was rising, I heard a knock on my door, it opened there stood the vision of beauty herself, y/n- as always with a dazzling smile that could brighten up the most dreary of grey London days.

"Good morning Tom! I'm here!", she said in a merry voice.

"Good morning y/n! Lovely to see you this morning!"

"I brought you some tea before we head over to set again today," she says, extending the cup towards me- as I have come to expect her sweet detail that she has done all week.

"Thank you y/n!"

"I should warn you, it's not Earl Grey this time..."

Now this was surprising! I held the tea close to my nose to smell it. The notes of sweet florals and honey steamed off the small opening of the lid. I carefully took a sip of the warm liquid and held it in my mouth as I savoured it. "Mhmmm", I mumbled. Being the tea enthusiast everyone thinks I am, I quickly recognized the flavor based on its light citrus and light honey taste. "This is delicious," I pause. It was the white tea known as Silver Needle. It is not often that someone likes this tea flavor, it would take a true tea connoisseur to acquire the liking towards it. "Silver needle is it?", I ask.

Y/n grins widely with excitement, "Great palette! It's my favorite tea, I love the sweet honeysuckle taste of it. I drink it quite often."

No wonder she tastes sweet, from when I tasted her kisses and her...well..."That would explain some things", I say as I raise my eyebrows, smiling and taking another sip from my cup.

She smiled back at me before reading off her notebook, "Well today you have a run through of the script with the cast and a few hours of shooting. I should let you know that you have an interview pending from Entertainment Magazine. They heard you began filming the series and they want the latest information."

"Let's run that by Marvel executives and see whether or not they feel I should do it. They are very secretive about Phase 4 of the MCU."

"Noted. I'll set up a meeting and we can let them know, or I can just give them a call today."

I walked closer to her. She appears so graceful as she looks down to write. I wanted to continue to reassure her that she was doing a phenomenal job being my PA. I took her small hand in mine, "You are doing a wonderful job y/n."

We gaze into each other's eyes as our hands lock. The world seemed to slow down in that instant, as if time was granting us this precious moment to peer into the windows of our souls. Deep within me, I felt a jolt from the center of my chest, a tightening sensation, but not uncomfortable. The same jolt and tightening one feels when one feels vulnerable with emotions, wanting to let them out, but also protect them at all costs. I don't know if it was the warmth of her hand in mine or the way she was looking at me. Her stare made me believe she was probably feeling the same jolt, but I thought it would be highly unlikely at this time- but I hoped she also felt what I was feeling.

Professional Encounters: Tom's Point of View (Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora