The Elementals

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     A.N. Once again I'll point out that the pic at the top isn't mine. Enjoy the second chapter :)                                                      

     To say that Kendra was scared would be an understatement, she was terrified. Millions of thoughts were running through her head at millions of miles a minute. Kendra asked herself questions about the situation that she was in but found that she didn't have any answers to give. "Okay, don't worry about that right now, just focus on what you're going to do next." Kendra told herself silently before taking a deep breath. After a few moments of silent thinking the door of the bathroom broke her out of her thoughts. Someone was obviously trying to open it from the outside because it was shaking slightly. Kendra came forward, unlocked the door and opened it. Expecting someone sent from class to come and get her, Kendra instead saw a girl that she had never seen before.

    "You're Kendra Quade, right?" the girl questioned. "Uh, yeah. Am I supposed to know you?" Kendra asked her. "No, not yet anyway. I'm Alya Crossman." she introduced herself. Alya Crossman looked about 5'8 with a confident complection, she had long flowing blonde hair and sky blue eyes. Alya held out her right hand in a j shape, as if expecting Kendra to grab it. Kendra looked down at it and raised her eyebrows. "Oh, you're supposed to shake it." Alya said. "Uh, how?" Kendra asked with her eyebrows still raised. "Um, you know what... we can always do this later. I should probably explain what's going on." Ayla said. "Wait, wait, wait... hold up. You know about, uh, this." Kendra said, indicating her hands. "Of course I do, I'm an air Elemental." Alya said it as if it were obvious. Kendra stared at the other girl while wondering whether or not Alya Crossman was actually sane. "What on Earth is an Elemental?" Kendra asked.

    "Have you ever heard of the four elements? You know, fire, water, air, and earth." Alya asked. "Yeah, why?" Kendra questioned, while wondering what the four elements had to do with anything that was going on. "Well, that's what's in an Elemental's blood. Like the building block that starts our lives. That's what we are; children of the elements, brothers and sisters of life, or more commonly known as The Elementals." Alya finished. Kendra just looked at her weirdly, "Wait, you're saying that there are other kids that have this problem." she asked. Alya just laughed, "It's not a problem. It's our blood, our life force. This 'problem' is what makes up you and me." the blonde finished. Any other person might say that Kendra was believing all of this way too easily, but in all seriousness water had just came pouring out of her hands and she didn't know what to believe at this point. 

    "What're you saying?" Kendra asked nervously. Alya looked at her intensely before answering, "Every year twenty infants are chosen by the Four Guardians of Life to become Elementals. Once they turn the age of a dozen they are to come to the Academy of Elements to study and learn how to control their gifts. When the time comes three of these twenty children are said to be chosen for a mission, a mission to find the missing Guardian, The Father of Water. This guardian has been missing for thousands of years and therefore hasn't been available to help pick the next generation of Elementals. In his absence only the three guardians left have been available to pick the chosen ones, Guardian of Earth, Guardian of Fire, and the Guardian of Air. That's who we are Kendra, you and me. We're Elementals." Alya said with a very serious look on our face. "You're joking. All of this is some big prank and you're just some random person playing along, right?" Kendra asked hoping that she was correct, but instead of admitting herself Alya just shook her head slowly.

    Kendra didn't know what to think. First she was having a bad day because of her Dad, next she went to school like normal, the next thing she knew water was leaking from her hands, and now she was being told that the four elements made up her blood. "Wow, definitely didn't expect my day to be like this." she thought. "Okay so, I literally have nothing to say to this." Kendra said. Alya chuckled, "Don't worry Kendra you're not alone." she said, putting a hand on Kendra's shoulder. "Wait, what happens now?" Kendra asked, suddenly concerned for the future events. "To the school of elements, you know "Elemental Academy". There's actually two school locations, one in Maine and one in California. Both being on opposite sides of America. I'll be dropping you off at the one in California." Alya said brightly. Kendra's face seemed to fall before she asked the question that was bugging her, " What about my mom and my sister, what about my friends?" she asked desperately. "Don't worry about that. You get to see your family during Christmas and Spring breaks every school year." Alya said reassuringly. "Oh, okay." Kendra said. "Wait, so we just stay there and learn for the whole year with a couple visits?" she asked. "You don't have much of a choice Kendra, you go to school to learn to control your powers... if you don't then the safety of all people around you will be at risk." Alya replied.

    An hour later and Kendra was still worried, if the day had gone normally then she would be in Ms. Dien's class. And she felt guilty, the last thing that she had talked to her sister about was the lego sets that Brittany left in her room and she wouldn't see her until next summer. That just made her feel depressed, which was depressing. Kendra and Ayla had boarded a plane and were on their way to California. Apparently Alya had already talked to Kendra's mom about the situation and it seemed that she wasn't too happy about it.

    "We can't really tell your parents about when they'll see you guys next. It stops them from letting you go and, well, you kind of have to go or things would be totally out of control in the ordinarian world." Alya told Kendra after a while of silence. "Okay." Kendra said with a blank voice. "I'm sorry Kendra, I really am. But there's not much I can do about your family situation." She said while putting a hand on Kendra's shoulder. After an awkward moment of silence, Kendra decided to change the subject. "So what's up with this school anyway?" she asked. "Well, it's an academy, called "The Academy of Elements". The place is pretty awesome. So you go to the school in California for three years, then you go to the one in Maine for four years. For an elemental we come of age at 18, you know just like the ordinarians. So things are pretty simple, you go to the school, which is completely hidden by the way. Anyways, we go to school and there's this small room you go into, there you'll find a box with a small opening where you can insert your hands. You do that then on the top of the box there'll be a small screen-like thing, and it'll show you a picture of a fire, tornado, waves, or mountains based on what kind of Elemental you are. Earth, water, air, or fire. Afterwards there's this big, loud voice that yells what kind you are. Then you come out of the room and go into the large hall where the whole school population is, and you'll go into one of the large groups according to which type of Elemental you are. And you'll normally just go to school from there." Alya said all this in, like, two breaths and Kendra was kind of impressed.

    After she visited her mother, packed her bags, and said her goodbyes she and Alya boarded a plane ride to California (which made Kendra's stomach do a few somersaults) that was filled with questions from Kendra to Alya answering those questions. But little did Kendra know that she was in for something that was far from something she had ever experienced. 

A.N. How was the 2nd chappie? I hope ya'll enjoyed.    Till the next update,  Via

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