Returning Home

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In order to transfer the 835 people from the bunker, Eligius would have to make several flight trips across the desert between Polis and Shallow Valley, and in the mean time Clarke and the others used the rover. Once there, Monty radioed Murphy and Emori that it was safe to leave the safe house and come to the edge of the village. While they gathered supplies and left for the tunnels, Clarke and the others waited for the rest of the people from the bunker. One group at a time. By the time the last group arrives all of spacekru and the Griffin family have settled in.

When Madi had fist spotted Clarke she ran at full speed, meeting her mother half way. Clarke bent down at her lever and caught her mid air as the child leapt into her arms, and swung her around and around as she held her tight against her chest. Madi was safe, everything was okay.

"Mommy! You're back!!"

"Of course I am, Mads. I will always come back to you. I promise!" Clarke kneels on the ground, but Madi still clings tight, her small arms wrapped around her mother's neck as her feet touch the ground.

Spacekru watches as Madi begins to squeal in a fit of giggles while Clarke peppers kisses along the child's cheeks and forehead. And the groups of friends weren't the only witnesses either. The rest of their people from the bunker arrive from the Eligius ship and march on into the valley. The first few being Diyoza, Abby Griffin, Marcus Kane, and Jackson. The sudden outburst of laughs and screaming draws their attention, and immediately their eyes land on Clarke with a small child in her arms. Abby watches intently from afar, her eyes so wide Diyoza feared they would fall from her face.

"I take it you didn't know you're a grandmother?" Abby gaps like a fish, once again at a loss for words, nearly stumbling in her path. Well she wasn't expecting that. "Hm." Diyoza smirks and walks away, her people following in toe. Most, at least.

McCreary follows at a slower pace as he glares dagger at Clarke and Madi, watching the mother and daughter reunite with smiles. He snarls at the sight, but he isn't as good at hiding it as he thought. Bellamy glances the man's way before stepping into McCreary's line of sight; blocking Clarke and Madi from his gaze. He glares the man down as he crosses his arms over his chest, the threat imminent. Walk away or there will be trouble. McCreary gets the message and continues on his way.

When Bellamy turns around Clarke is carrying Madi as she walks his way. The small child has her legs wrapped around the woman's waist with her head snuggled into the crook of her neck. It takes everything Bellamy has not to laugh at the sight. It was understandable though. Clarke was all Madi had ever known. This was her mother, her family, and being separated for even a few hours had the little one on edge with constant fear. But no more. Bellamy would make sure of it.

He noticed Clarke struggle slightly with the weight of Madi in her arms. Clarke's bullet wound was till healing, and they've had a long day today. Without thinking, Bellamy scoops the child from Clarke's arms and into his own, and quickly notices the relieving affect it had. What he didn't expect was for Madi to giggle and wraps an arm around his neck in return, and repeat the same position she once held onto Clarke. Her small head of brown curls tucked under his chin as she rest her head on his chest, listening to his heart beat while looking up at her mother. It was so mundane and familiar, it was almost too good to be true.

"So what now, Princess?" , He asks, attempting to ignore the fuzzing feeling growing in his chest as he stares into the ocean blue eyes of the woman before him. Clarke lifts a brow as she watches the others stride through the valley.

"Now? Now we find a way to survive in peace. Together."

"Together." He mimics lost in the moment. It was as if time had frozen in place, that is to say before Madi looks over his shoulder and squeals with an abundance of excitement , making Bellamy flinch.

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