Chapter 7 - Escape?

Start from the beginning

The first strand was of course connected to Veeranshu. The second one was a very thin barely noticeable string of a mild golden colour which was slowly turning into black. She might have even missed it if she hadn't been looking so carefully. It looked like the bond had not found the other partner or it had been broken. Who could it be with, she wondered. Oh of course. How silly of her to not recognize it. It is or rather it had been connected to Jai. Her destined mate since eternity and for eternity. But destiny had different plans in this life and so that bond broke and new one with Veeranshu formed.

She moved on towards the third dark red strand which was connected to the net. She used her powers and tried to cut of that strand's connection to her core. Immediately the string started becoming thinner and she will the drain on her core reduce. Wow this is it. Could it really be that simple?

No of course not. As soon as the drain on her core reduces, the balance energy immediately started draining from Veeranshu. Bani immediately backed off. If supply was cut from one person, the magic of the net balanced it by a very fast drain from the remaining person.

This would not do. By the time one person manages to completely cut of the strand from their own magical core, the other would be completely drained and dead.

Now in any other world, in some alternate dimension, the Aadi Nagin would have done that right away to escape from this blasted net and kill her arch nemesis the cheel prince in the process, but in this world he was her husband and she loved that git too much to let him die this way. Maybe they would have to stick to their original plan only.

While still keeping her eyes closed, she gave a light squeeze to Veeranshu's hand which she was still holding, signaling him to start the process.

Together both of them started pushing their magic in the net through the red strand that was connected to their cores from where the drain was happening. The strands started getting thicker and brighter as more and more power was put into them. When drain on one person became too much, the other would push some more power and divert the drain to oneself and the first person would again add more power when the drain became too much for the latter. The cycle continued for some time. It was a deadly dance of balance.

Panic began when the net showed no signs of stopping. It was draining power like vampires sucked blood, getting satisfied only when the body is completely drained of blood, similarly net was draining their powers non-stop.

Their energy had dropped down to dangerously low levels. They could feel exhaustions reeking through their bodies. But there was no way to stop now. They might have started this thinking that sending both their power would be enough to overpower the net but now they didn't have enough energy to stop it.

Maybe Veeranshu was right and their combined powers also would not be enough to overpower the net. Maybe this is how they were supposed to die. But atleast they were together and would pass on to afterlife hand in hand. Oh how she wished to open her eyes at look at her Veeranshu one last time. He would be the last thing she saw before she died, preserving his image in her eyes for eternity. But she didn't even have that much strength to open her eyes. And not to mention the connection with her core will break if she opened her eyes. Having no other choice, she wished this would get over faster. Death couldn't arrive soon enough.

Author's Note- I just love the fantasy genre. Again I could experiment with something new for this chapter as this is a fantasy world. This must feel similar to a written version of the film 'Inception' to some and I am sure you have lots of questions, so shoot them. I'll answer ASAP.

The whole idea behind this was playing around with the concept of meditation. It is said that when you meditation deep enough then you can see your soul or something like that (don't know exactly how that works as I don't practice meditation) but I have expanded on that idea.

Vani achieves a higher form of meditation where they are able to see their souls/ magical cores and see the connection with each other and they push power through the red string to short-circuit the net, to put it in simpler terms. I have added an illustration at the end of the chapter for a better understanding. (I know I have done a terrible job editing it, others are welcomed to try and make a fan-art for that scene .)

Also all the above is happening in their heads only, there is no physical thread connecting them as such. But to quote Albus Dumbledore, "Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?

Author's Note 2 - Am I a terrible, terrible person to leave it here? Yes, I am. But don't worry I have already started writing the next chapter and it will be up soon.

Author's Note 3 – With this chapter this story crosses 10K words (Only the story, no A/N or songs included.) and I thank you all for showing so much love and support to Beyond Great Darkness!

) and I thank you all for showing so much love and support to Beyond Great Darkness!

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(Published on- 01/04/2021)

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