~January 24th 2008~ *edited*

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{Hospital room 409} "Omg, she is so beautiful" Loren said so happy and grateful for the life of her newborn baby( Sadie Jonesburg) . She is a beautiful baby, she has light blue eyes and her hair is black, with light brown streaks. Her father hasn't showed up too her birth, he had some at home situations. Loren was devastated but she couldn't be to sad knowing she has birthed another human into this world. Loren's mother was there as well but Loren and her mom has been going through many altercations at the moment  so they were a bit distant from each other.

"we will get you and your newborn baby out of here in a few hours, and make sure too cherish this baby with all your heart, I'll be back in a few. " Doctor James said in a soft voice. 

{A few hours later} Loren arrives at home with her baby. Loren was very nice and sweet. She took a few weeks off of work so she could care for the baby until she could find a babysitter too take care of the baby. Loren was also very clumsy, she ended up dropping the baby in her crib accidentally. 

A few weeks later she finally got a babysitter. 

{Babysitters first day} The babysitter was really nice, her name is Janice Jacobson. She was a really popular babysitter. "HI, Ms. Loren?" The babysitter asked a bit confused. "Yes, Yes that's me, come on in!" Loren said nicely and welcoming. "here is Sadie" Loren introduced. "awh, she is so cute, i can't wait to get to know you."

{A few hours later} *ring  ring  ring  ring* "Hello, yes, yes this is she... WHAT! WHAT IN THE HELL HAPPENED" 

Loren was crying for over 30 entire minutes. She had just found out that her husband had just died in a car accident. Now she is a single mother, a widow...

Ever since then she has been very aggressive with Sadie for no acceptable reason. Sadie is now 5 years old and her mother has abused her since she was just a little baby. Sadie is not allowed to go outside because her mom said that bad people are out there. "m-mommy, im hungwy" Sadie said shivering because she is cold. " I DON"T GIVE A DAM GO EAT GET OUTTA HERE" Loren said screaming and crying. Sadie started to cry as she walked slowly to the kitchen. She struggled to open the fridge. When she finally got the fridge open her mom came stumbling and running into the kitchen and pushed Sadie on to the floor as she put sandwich ingredients on the counter top. Sadie ran too her room yelling and crying " IM NOT HUNGWY ANYMORE". Sadie is very upset and the things her mom does to her is starting too contain weight onto her mentality and stress. 

As Sadie was running to her room she quickly and quietly grabbed the knife off of the counter top. Her mom is in the kitchen crying with her back against the fridge. Sadie started to question herself about life and started cutting her wrist. Sadie is a very mature baby, she has had to do a lot by herself growing up. Sadie hid in her closet all night as she heard glass shattering onto the living room floor. 

Loren went out that night. Sadie was scared and went to the kitchen too make a quick sandwich. 

Her mom has been gone for 3 days. Sadie has fended for herself at 5 years old for 3 days straight. She cleaned, ate, showered, slept, and much more. She seems better off without her mother.  Sadie is mentally abused at home so all her opinions are turned down all the time, she can barely talk to her mother because she'll just be yelled at and turned down.

She tries to explain things to her mother but she just doesn't listen, she just screams at Sadie saying Sadie is wrong and she is just a little baby and she knows nothing. When Sadie gets in trouble she can never explain herself she just immediately gets torn down and yelled at. 

Loren finally returned home after 3 days of leaving her child at home to fend for herself. Loren went to Sadie's room and just randomly started throwing Sadie's toys and clothes into boxes. "M- Mommy what are you doing?" Sadie said in a cute and frightened voice. " " we're moving baby" Loren said in a shivering and shaky voice. "grab a box baby get g-get packed up" Loren demanded. "o-ok mommy" Sadie said...

They just loaded up the car and drove off. Loren was blasting her music and riding. She just kept riding and riding not knowing where she was going, had no idea on where she was gonna end up. 

She was going way over the speeding limit, Sadie was just in the back seat crying telling her to please slow down.  "Mom, please, STOP, MOmmY" Sadie tried too say-

That's when it happened...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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