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Two Aizawas..?

I feel someone wrap there arms around me. 


"I'm going to get us out of here."

A stinging sensation hits the back of your head, almost like someone had stabbed you.

"Your staying here bitch."


I'm going insane.

Traumatized, you manage to get out some unsteady words.

"Please don't."

Hearing footsteps you jerk your head around to see who was walking in.  Just pray it's not Shigaraki.

"Did you know that when a human is stabbed they're not supposed to pull the knife out on their own?"

I know that voice anywhere.  Shigaraki.

Wait why is he telling me that?!

As the door smashes open one of the Aizawa's run at him. 

Shigaraki chuckles, "That will come in handy when I do this."

He darts at Aizawa with a tight grip on a pocket knife.

Aizawa dodges while thinking of his next move.

He never really trained with his quirk often even though it was powerful for 1 v 1 combat. Aizawa could win if he would just make the right move.

Shigaraki smiles "What are you? [Y/N]''s little hero?

Aizawa backs away.  He rips a piece of wood from my bed to use as a weapon.

"What is your reason for kidnapping [Y/N]?  Can't you see she's in pain?  Is this some Highschool prank to try to impress your friends?"

"No, your full of bullshit.  I love this girl and I won't let you lay another one of your filthy fingers on her.  You'll die in this basement begging for you life."

Aizawa was a bit shaken by Shigaraki's words but, he had a plan.  One plan...

He dropped his weapon and walked over to me.

"The police are gonna find her sooner or later.  It's just a matter of time before your ass rots in jail."

"If you spare my life I'll help close this case."

Aizawa runs his fingers through your hair pulling slightly.

What the hell is he doing.

Shigaraki comes closer taking a glove off his hand.

"If your hesitant, how about I prove that I'm on your side."

Shigaraki chuckles, "What's in it for you?"

"Didn't you come to "save" [Y/N]?"

Just then Aizawa and Shigaraki head to a different room. Now it's just you and whatever hallucination of Aizawa.

I can't even trust my own boyfriend


"Even Aizawa betrayed you huh?"

He's back.

The hallucinations.

I can't take it.

You take a deep breath.

"Help me."

He comes closer to you.

"You poor thing, only you would get into this situation."

"Only you would cry about this."

"Only you would refuse Shigaraki."

His voice starts to raise.

"Your useless."

"No one will ever love you."

Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.


Is he gone?


Aizawa and Shigaraki walk in. Both of them have smiles on their face. Even Aizawa. Didn't he come to get me? Yes, he wouldn't do anything to harm you. He's harmless...

I know this was a short chapter but, I hope everyone enjoyed!

If anyone's confused here's a summary!

Basically Aizawa came and he has a plan to save you. He decides to side with Shigaraki to gain his trust. Your suffering from the poison Shigaraki gave you and the hallucinations of Aizawa are getting worse. If you don't get the antidote you'll die.

1. Figure out what Aizawa is doing
2. Get the antidote to the poison in 24 hours
3. Leave the house

I'll update soon. Thank you for voting! It brings new readers in!

Have a great day!

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