chapter 3

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8:25 pm

JJ's vision was starting to blur and her stomach growled.She looked in the rearview mirror to see her team passed out cold. Hotch had his legs in the seat next to him and Reid pulled his legs into his chest and his faces rested on his seat belt.Garcia and Derek had unbuckled and she was lying on his chest and his arm was wrapped around her body.JJ chuckled and looked over at Em in the seat next to her to see her arms crossed and feet up on the dash,not quite asleep but not really awake ,just barely singing the words to "red" by taylor swift that was playing on the radio.
JJ saw a gas station not too far off and decided to get a coffee.

She pulled into the almost empty gas station parking lot and got out as swiftly as possible without waking anyone up.She walked up to the front of the car and turned to check everyone was okay but jumped and threw her hand over her mouth as not to scream when she saw tired Emily right next to her stretching and yawning.JJ jumping made Em stumble backwards but the ICE box met her back abruptly. "i thought you were falling asleep" jj asked exasperated. Emily answered in her low grumbly sleepy voice , "key word : falling". JJ laughed and pulled herself together. "okay sleepy head come on".She guided Em to the door and opened it for her gesturing with her hand to walk inside but Em being half asleep didnt comprehend this and stood there waiting for Jennifer. JJ gently kneed the back if Emily's leg and it got her to walk into the store.

She sleepily followed JJ around the store like a newborn puppy.JJ asked Em if she wanted something which got her attention and woke her up a lil bit. She yawned and nodded and shuffled over to the energy drink section and grabbed two monsters ,a blue and a green one, from the refrigerated isle.She shut the plastic door and handed them to JJ who greatly thought about putting them back and replacing them with gatorade.She figured she didn't want to fight Em about that right now and walked up to the counter and waited behind the one person who was there.

Em grabbed the blue monster from JJ and opened it. JJ scoffed and turned red . "we haven't even paid for it yet emily elizabeth!" she said quickly in a hushed yell.
Emily made direct eye contact with JJ and continued to take one long sip sucking at the air to make extra noise just to get on JJ's nerves.JJ shook her head and shook it off.She walked up to the counter and smiled at the cashier while she put her purchases on the stained counter,she reached over to Emily and right as Em went to take another drink JJ took it out of her hands and placed it on the counter.

Em stood there now almost fully awake ,huffing,mad at JJ for taking her drink. JJ payed and handed Emily her drinks which Emily just about clawed from JJ .She hugged her open can to her chest and put the other can in her sweatpants pocket. JJ escorted her outside and prompted Emily to get in the car but not before scolding her on the health effects of Monster energy drinks. Emily blushed and laughed it off thinking it was sweet she cared so much.

"its going to kill you one of these days,plus you already have a heart condition." Emily smiled evily and started "well thats kinda the point " as she re adjusted herself into her seat,propping her feet up on the dash again. JJs mouth flew open and smacked Em in the leg , " dont say shit like that!". "WhAt" Em said laughing.
"and as for my heart condition,its just a murmur and is probably gone by..." she trailed off .  " WAIT!" Emily yelled. Hotch squirmed in the back seat and JJ shushed Em. "what are you yelling for?" jj asked in a hushed urgency. "i never told you about my heart murmur,i never even put it on my resume,how did you know?!?" Emily asked confused.

"well uh remember when your mom cam and helped us on that cade with the russian mafia?" Emily reared her head in disbelief. "did you really talk to my mother about me ?" Emily asked still unsure how to feel. "i didn't ask ,she more or less offered up some information that i prompted." JJ said shrugging her shoulders. Emily smiled and licked her teeth in shock. "oh really?!"
JJ looked over at Emily to make sure she was actually smiling and not upset.

She was legitimately laughing so JJ was fine.Nothing else was said as Em turned the radio up a bit.Lana del ray was playing.She quietly sung it and layer her head on the window. JJ admired her from her peripheral view .Straight black hair ,collar bone length,the perfect shape,and her hands so delicate but covered in rings.JJ liked how Emily never wore jewlery at work but at home she adorned herself with earrings of every type and shape and rings on every finger.She saw Em was twisting the ring on her right ring finger.She smiled knowing she got that for her. JJ sipped her coffee and let herself feel content and grateful for that moment in her life.

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