The day

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JJ walked into the bull pen full of excitement . Emily laughed when she saw JJ. " you look like a scared chihuahua".JJ stomped her foot and crossed her arms ,looking up at Emily who had to be at least and inch and a half taller than her when she wasn't wearing heels.Emily giggled and patted her head which she knew JJ hated. JJ shoved her hand off and bumped Emily with he hip. "We are leaving at 2:30". Emily opened her mouth to object. "NO EXCEPTIONS!" JJ yelled as she walked away . Emily closed her mouth and smiled and headed for Garcia's Office.

JJ walked into the round table room and found Hotch,Reid,and Derek talking about something.Derek looked away from Hotch and stopped mid sentence " well if it isnt little miss blonde". He smiled as a flirted.JJ rolled her eyes and looked annoyingly at Reid.Reid sipped his drink he was cradling in his hands. "Okay boys be ready at 1:00".They nodded and she turned to leave and heard Hotch groan. She walked out of the room and onto the catwalk where Emily and Garcia were making their way to her. "Jayje I thought you said we were leaving at 2:30".

Penelope said in distress. "Oh we are but we all know they wont be ready so you give 'em an earlier time and then by the time 2:30 rolls around they are ACTUALLY ready." Emily and Garcia stopped walking abruptly.JJ stopped walking and turned around "what". Emily and Penelope looked at each other in shock and then back at JJ . "Youve never done that to us have you?" Emily asked surprised . JJ's eyes grew to the size of saucers and she had to stifle a laugh.She swiftly spun and walked away ,leaving the ginger and brunette to their own devices.


JJ pulled up in front of the field office in a rented SVU not unlike the ones they use for work.None of their cars were big enough to fit all of them and the FBI doesn't lend off their vehicles for fun.
She got out and shut the door and headed for the front door.She started to pull out her ID to scan so she could get in. "Where are they?" She asked starting to get annoyed.Right as she pulled her card over the scanner ,she saw her team on the other side if the door ,she backed up so they could get out. "There you are" JJ exclaimed. "Its only 2:30" Garcia whined.

"Yeah and i said we are LEAVING at 2:30,so get in the car". Everyone collectively laughed at how stuck up JJ was being . "This one of ours?" Derek asked. "No its a rental,so don't tear it up please". "Yes ma'am" ,Derek smiled at her.
Everyone filled in. Emily sat in the passenger seat ,Hotch and Reid sat in the second row and Garcia and Derek fixed themselves into the third row.
JJ fixed her rearview mirror and said "yall ready?". "Yes we are but im sorry YALL?" Emily laughed from her throat. "You forget the father of my child is from New Orleans". JJ said as she gave Emily a stern look but smiled to let her know she found it funny.


"im hungry!"
Derek had to shout it because he was all the way in the back.
Hotch started to agree with him "i hate to say it but so am i".
Garcia nodded in agreement.Derek asked "Pretty boy ,what about you?"
"Um i mean yeah i could be up for some food". Emily laughed at his stuttering. "Yeah jayje we need food,I personally could go for some chicken nuggets".She rubbed her stomach thinking about it. "Really guys its been two hours." She looked into her rearview mirror at the group of people. They all looked at her with puppy eyes,but what got her was the way Aaron looked like a saint bernard puppy begging.

She laughed and finally gave in. "Okay where too?".
Emily made happy little squeals and replied " Chic fil a!" . Reid chimed in "they may be against my right to love the same sex but that is some of the best homophobia ive ever tasted". Emily pointed at Reid while nodding. Everyone giggled and nodded in agreement. "Alright Chic-fil-a it is". Garcia clapped happily in the back and Aaron turned to high five Garcia which made her giggle.JJ looked at her team with all the love in the world and took a deep breath reminding herself this is a trip for fun.

She relaxed her body and let her face loose its tension.She felt Emilys hand on her knee ,she looked over and Emily smiled at her . Emily quickly looked away as the red and and white sign caught her attention.Her hand left JJs leg and came up to clap happily . "Okay what does everyone want". JJ asked.
Everyone chimed in at once. "Chill ,slow your roll,okay Emily you first".JJ instructed. "Okay so i want chicken nuggets,and waffle fries and OH a Dr.Pepper." JJ repeated it into the speaker in the drive through."Hotch?"JJ asked.

"Oh um id like the little chicken bites with the really good bread ,I forget what they're called." He smiled contently.She circled through till she got to Reid who couldn't seem to choose between chicken nuggets and a chicken sandwich. "Well um some chicky nuggies" he said very matter of factly.Everyone laughed at his words unable to comprehend that he had just said that. "Chicky? Nuggies?" Emily said in disbelief.She started giggling. "What? Its cuter than chicken nuggets".Hotch nodded and repeated it quietly under his breath. JJ pulled up and was handed the food. She passed out the food and heard happy noises from her team.She decided to put on the Radio.

She asked Garcia if she wanted to play DJ. She nodded happily and pulled out one of her many phones,and pulled up Spotify and played the playlist she made specifically for the trip. "Smile" by Avril Lavigne played over the Speakers and everyone including Hotch sang along.Emily sang low ,under her breath.She could sing well but only JJ knew that.Reid to everyone's surprise was singing quite loudly when he didn't have food in his mouth. Derek personally found it hilarious that Aaron knew the words to which he replied "oh i know more about pop culture than you think i do". Which brought on an array of questions from Garcia.

JJ sighed suddenly realizing she didn't get herself any food,Em realized this at the same time.She put her hand in her bag and pulled out her waffle fries and set them in the second drink compartment.JJ smiled at Emily and reached over for a fry.

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