END (different)

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He just stood there. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him. Why in the world was he here?

„What are you doing here?" I asked, anger filled my voice. „I- i wanted to check up on you...." he said and rubbed the back of his neck. „Ha. Why would you even care?" I asked annoyed.

He hated me. So why does he even care?

„If you came here just to pity me or so you dont feel bad for yourself. Great good you can leave now." I said. People like this make me want to trow up.

„What?! No. Im here because we are friends..." he said, but clearly he was lying. „Tch. Pathetic." I said as I looked outside the window. It has gotten dark already. I wonder what time it is.

„Look Y/N im really worried about you." He tried to speak up but his voice broke at the end.

„Okay Hunter. Im really thankful that you wanted to check up on me... but you don't like me anymore don't you? Its not good if we pretend to dtay friends even tho you don't like me. It would be useless and would hurt the both of us." As much as I hated to say these words. It has to be said.

I fucked up and im here for the consequences.

He stumbeld over his own words. He couldnt form a sentence which led me to the conclusion... I was right. I messed up big times.

„Okay. That would be setteld then right? I really enjoyed the time we had. Thank you for being my friend. But just some things arent suppose to stay for ever right? I wish you and your Channel the best of luck, but it would be the best for you to leave now. Its late." I said and smiled at him. It was a real smile. I didn't want our last memories of each other to be some sad argument.

„Y/N..." He started again but I interrupted him.

„Please Hunter. Just leave. Thank you for everything but you were off better without me anyways." I said and leaned back into my pillow.

My head started to hurt.

He just nodded slowly and left the room.

„Stay safe Y/N" He whispered and closed the door.

„You too." I said but he couldnt hear that anymore.

I sighed.

Stupid stupid stupid Y/N.

I stood up and ripped all those needles out of my hand. I slammed my Hospital room door open and ran to the elevator.


I pressed the Button. And waited patiently to arrive at the top of the Building. When I left the Elevator a cold wind blew into my face.

Its very cold. But it was also very calming.

I heard cars, people and I saw alot of lights. Pretty.

It was a very nice night. I slowly walked towards the edge. Pretty.

Ahhh finally this shitty life has come to an end.

I will be free forever.

And then... I fell.

Calm. And Pretty.

I smiled. Its finally over.



Okay I dont know why ya'll hatin on my girl Y/N but pop off ig?😩

So heres a chapter where she dies. I am not shitting you I kinda like this one more then the actual END😭

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