Episode 2 (completed)

Bắt đầu từ đầu

" That is so incredibly unresauring. Why didn't you check?" The C rank known as Izuho spoke for the first time. Yuma made a duck face. " What would it do if I did? I don't know much other than the basics of real bodies."

Izuho nodded with slanted eyes. That made sense.

"That's not the problem!" Osamu exclaimed.

"Osamu, if you want him to listen you should probably explain your reasoning." Chika suggested with a kind smile. Osamu blushed. While it hasn't happened yet, Osamu is sure he didn't think of that.

The scene shifted to a park, where Osamu and Yuma sat eating. "Ever since you arrived at school-" Osamu started, only to be cut off by Yuma, "This is tasty!" "-You have been way too violent!" Osamu stressed."Stop trying to solve everything with force."

"Hmm I guess violence isn't always the answer." Usami said in understanding. Yuma nodded along. "Your right". Everyone whipped their heads around in surprise, including Hyuse. But before anyone could question it, Yuma continued. "It's the solution."

"N O!" Osamu yelled from across the room.

Yuma turned his head to Osamu. "What do you mean? You're still saying I'm not allowed to fight back?"

"No, I mean that there are better solutions available." Osamu denied. "Meeting violence with violence is lowering yourself. Beside's, violence is forbidden by law in this country."

Hyuse's eyes blew open and Yuma wheezed in surprise. Yuma turned to Konami. "He's joking, right?" Konami shook her head, a little taken back by the closed off boy.

Hyuse stuttered, at a loss for words. As hard as he struggled, he was only able to come out with a "What the actual fuck."

Ignoring the two, the Border agents turned back to the screen.

No one seemed to see the white haired boys slightly shaking hands.

Yuma made a concentrated duck face. "I don't understand Japan's rules. But others won't always obey them." Osamu looked surprised as Yuma continued on. "What should I do then?"

Osamu sighed and grit his teeth. Yuma looked up at the sky as he chewed. "Rules make the world work. They don't protect you. My dad used to say that."

A cold chill rested over the room. Azuma frowned. How long has this boy lived like this? He was only 15.

Yuma continued. "In the end, only your own strength can protect you. That and.... You can run or rely on numbers."

Kazama glanced up at Yuma. It seemed like the boy's entire existence was a battleground.

'Who is he?' Osamu thought to himself. 'His reasoning is so childish. But it seems like he means it.'

"Jeez Four-eyes, have you ever been in an actual fight?" Yuma said, looking unimpressed. "Spars don't count." Hyuse's added on.

Osamu was about to counter, but a tap by Chika stopped him.

In his seat, Miwa frowns to himself. How is it that some Neighbor is the one who understands the point no one else ever had?

Eating his food, Yuma sighed. "Is that unacceptable in Japan? People are fussy here." Seeing his chance, Osamu buds in. "That's right! It's unacceptable here!"

Tossing the last of his food in his mouth, Yuma hummed. "All right." He turned to Osamu. "Teach me the rules here, Osamu."

"Whoa hold on, didn't you just get done saying how rules were useless?" Kumagai asked in surprise. Yuma tilted his head. " They don't really help people like me, but when in a new place, unless your goal is to create chaos, you don't really have a choice."

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