About the story!!!

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Hi thank you for clicking on my book!

• It starts in year 1 and goes on through year 7. I mean it will not end it will not end exactly with year seven but rather shortly after the wizarding war.

• This story follows the plot of the movies and since i'm gonna start rereading the books soon I might include some stuff from there too. But the major plot is derived from the movies.

• There are three main love interests. Fred Weasley, Ron Weasley, and Draco Malfoy. Obviously since my story starts when the oc is 11 there won't be any dating in the super early chapters. But the reason I started with year 1 is because those chapters are something I felt was needed to develop relationships, the plot, and introduce my own lore. THE OC AKA JULIA JAMES WILL DATE EACH ONE OF THESE BOYS. No simp will be left without content. Have I chosen a boy for endgame? Maybe...Can this change depending on demands in the comments? YES.

•Just became something is canon doesn't mean I will keep it in my story. I will change things for my own convenience. I do want the characters to be true to themselves and will try to not change them but as the story progresses I do want to incorporate more backstory and hopefully give some characters the redemption I believe they deserve. *cough* draco *cough*

• I don't know if my writing itself is very good. I don't have an editor or anything so if you see something you want me to fix please inform me.

•The very first few chapters are focused on solely on Julia James my oc. Don't be discouraged because those chapters are fairly short and the harry potter characters start appearing one by one as the story goes on.

•Also warning for my Ron and Fred lovers. The early chapters are pretty Draco Malfoy heavy. Fred and Ron are of course mentioned and do appear but Draco has most of the "screentime". The way i have this story paced and for authenticity it wouldn't make much sense for Julia to interact with the Weasleys in that way early on. But she will get closer and closer to them...you will see. Patience. No false advertisement here.

•Now that I've said that....I believe I must issue an explanation to the Draco Stans. Draco does NOT lose his significance in the later chapters. His relationship with Julia is also not gonna be abandoned. Just to keep things spicy and on edge I must say that these love stories can come and go and then come again. So just cause someone broke up doesn't mean they broke up forever. Same statement applies to the Weasleys though so.....


I feel like I'm giving away WAY too much information about my story here so I'll stop now. But just know I have big plans. I will be doing a Q and A at the end of each "hogwarts year" to explain things and answer any questions you have, as well as to get opinions.

PLEASEEEEE make sure to comment, vote, and interact in anyway you can so I know how you are feeling! Again thank you for choosing my story and I hope you like it!!!

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