Chapter 16 - Love to be cherished...

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Levi didn't know what made him do such a foolery. But he wasn't thinking. He almost felt ashamed of that silly hope clouding his mind and that unknown energy surging through his heart. That warmth and excitement that overwhelmed him, making him want to see Petra as soon as possible.

Of course, one by the side would never perceive what was happening in his soul. He was passing many people, some recognizing him, some not, but never stopping to stare nor whisper, which he was silently thankful for.

Because if he had seen them like that, he would become aware who he was and what he was doing, leading to that horrid self-doubt he was so afraid will appear anytime and thwart his confident and hopeful path.

So he pushed it away, but never stopped feeling it at the back of his head, at the pit of his heart. It was such a thin line. If he were to let it go, to let those thoughts come near him, that line would break and he would feel dread.

So he continued his way to the town, a giant bell of the town ringing, indicating it was a full hour again.

Almost there. Just a little more.

Just a little more and it'll be over. In a good or in a bad way.




Dancing in the clouds, that was the apt description of what Auruo had felt. It was almost like all the noisy, laughing and happy people weren't there. It seemed like only him and Petra were holding hands, spinning and enlacing their feet over the tiled square.

She was laughing and enjoying the evening, unperturbed by any worry in that world. Or so she seemed like that.

Maybe she had forgotten for a while, but would remember it again? He didn't know, but could only sense. So he let go of his worries also, enjoying the time with her, watching her dance and smile like a normal girl, living a life of a content person, not a soldier who will soon put a life on the line.

Like an ordinary woman made to live her dreams.

The music had stopped so the players could rest after almost an hour of continuously playing rapid, merry tunes.

"Want to take a break?"

"Sure," Petra smiled and two of them went to the bench already occupied by Eld and his fiancée who had shown up a few minutes ago, unbeknownst to Petra and Auruo.

"Hey," she waved and Petra waved back.

"How are you?"

"Great, you?"

"I'm good these days, but my father caught a cold five days ago but he's well now."

"How did he catch a cold?" Petra asked while Eld and Auruo looked at each other and amusedly rolled their eyes.

Women, always starting a conversation with 'How are you?' and getting to much more serious topics.

"He had fallen asleep in the forest when he wanted to take a break from the hunt," Eld's fiancée, Maria, explained. "We had gone out to find him snoring beside a tree."

Laughing, Petra shook her head. "Parents really can drive us crazy with how negligent they can be."

"Pfff, tell me about it."

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