The dream

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It was about 1am In the morning then I hear my name and that voice sounded so familiar it sounded like...allison "scott" the voice said "scott" it said again then it showed up "allison" it was her she nodded "hey scott" "is really you" " yes" I touched her face she was wearing when she died then I said "this is a dream" "no scott Im a ghost and I got sent to talk to you about what happen after I died I know your still suffering from it all" " well can you me blame me you where the first person I ever loved and now I don't have you" I said becoming angry my claws started coming out then she grabbed my hand "scott stop hurting your self I love you I know how you feel about me but don't keep holding your self back" then I came up with an idea "wait you know how Lydia brought Peter back" she nodded "well what if she can bring you back would you want that" "I want anything that let's me be with you" I smile remembering when she first told me that " ok I'm going to talk to Lydia about it"

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