Chapter 6: Lake (Bonus chapter)

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*Warning this chapter mentions suicide*


"You're my only friend Lake. I feel so alone here. It's so hard to get out of bed and function sometimes. Please?" Tiffany asked, eyes glistening with tears. I hate seeing women cry. I never know what to do.

Emani had spent the night with Xavier. I'm sure she will understand. Right? "Ok, sure."

Tiffany peered up at me as I stood up. "I appreciate it, Lake. Will Emani be ok with this? I don't want to cause any problems."

"Don't worry about it. I'm about to take a shower, " I said, heading inside the bathroom. My phone beeped, and a picture of Emani without her pajama top popped up. I hearted the image and told her she looked sexy. She sent a smiley face back.

After a hot shower, I returned to the bedroom, where Tiffany sat at the foot of the bed. She was texting someone on her phone and smiled when she noticed me. Her hair was no longer in a bun and cascaded down her shoulders.

"How are you holding up?" I asked her, sitting beside her. Her eyes were still red and puffy.

Tiffany's bottom lip trembled. "I still can't believe he's gone. It doesn't feel real. I feel as if I'm in a nightmare that I can't wake up from Lake."

I could relate. When my parents were murdered, I'd felt the same way. It didn't hit me they were never coming back until the funeral.

"It's going to take some time, Tiff, " I replied as she French braided her hair. She looked away as if she was fighting more tears. I got up and handed her a tissue.

"Thank you, Lake. You're such a good friend." She pulled a small flask out of her purse and took a sip.

My phone buzzed, and I recognized Jason's number. I hadn't talked to him in a few weeks.

"Hey man, what's up?" I asked.

"We should go to that new club that opened up downtown," Jason suggested, sounding as if he was eating something.

"Let's go another time. I'm exhausted." If Tiffany weren't here, I would have gone out, but I didn't want to leave her alone all night.

"Ok, bro. I'll talk to you later. Sasha wants some cookies from Mcdonald's, and if I don't get them, I'll be dead."

"Better go get them cookies, Jay. Later." I ended the call and turned on the tv. The Notebook was on, and Tiffany turned it up.

"I love this movie. Allie and Noah are so cute. They give me hope," Tiffany said in a sleepy voice.

"It's alright," I mumbled, not really paying any attention. I wasn't into romance movies.

She glanced at me and laughed. "Let me guess; you like action and horror movies?"


"Yeah, that's my shit! I can't wait until the movie theater opens up."

Tiffany grinned, elbowing me. "We definitely will have to go together. I love going to the movies."

My phone buzzed, and this time, Emani sent me a picture of her not wearing a bra. My mouth dropped open. Damn. She was so beautiful. I pushed away my dirty thoughts and focused on the film. The Allie girl was arguing with Noah outside, and I laughed a little.

"Lake, why were you looking like that?" Tiffany slurred, trying to peer over my shoulder. I blocked my phone from her view. She rolled her eyes and kept watching the movie.

"It's nothing." I began to type away as Tiffany lifted her flask to her lips.

Me: E, stop teasing me. I'm going to catch a flight if you don't stop. I want you so bad right now :(

Emani: Maybe I want you to I can make you cum ;)

Her last message sent me over the edge, and I was hard as a rock. Tiffany looked over, and I tried to cover myself with a blanket. This was so embarrassing.

"You're sexting her, aren't you?" Tiffany asked, arching an eyebrow.


"Lake, you don't have to be shy," Tiffany remarked, still staring at my manhood.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm watching the movie," I said innocently.

Instead of replying, Tiffany reached under the blanket and touched my thingy. My eyes widened, and I swatted her hand away. "What the fuck Tiffany?!"

Her face turned red. "Lake-"

I stood up. "Get the fuck out. I can't believe you just did that shit. I have a girl. I will never want you, Tiffany."

Shame flashed across Tiffany's face and her eyes watered. "I'm so sorry, Lake. I j-just like you so much. I feel like we would make the perfect couple. Emani doesn't deserve you. She's in New York. It will never work out."

She tried to grab my arms, but I took a step back. "I really tried to be your friend, but you took things too far. I love Emani and always will, Tiffany. I don't care where she lives. You need to leave."

Tiffany stood on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on my cheek. I gave her a disgusted look. "I'm sorry, Lake. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I hope we can stay friends."

Hell no.

I opened the door, averting my gaze. "Bye, Tiffany."

She hung her head and left. I looked down and cursed. I was still hard, and Tiffany only made it worse. I still can't believe she touched me there. It was so random and weird. Emani had been right about her all along. After tonight our friendship was over, and I never want to see her again.

I climbed into bed and closed my eyes. My alarm tore me from sleep. I rubbed my eyes, reaching for my phone under my pillow. It was six in the morning. I had class in two hours and had no clue what I was wearing. It was chilly for August, and I knew shorts were out of the question.

"Ugh, I hate mornings," I mumbled to myself. I swung my legs over the bed and just sat there. 
I decided to send Emani a message hoping she was awake.

Me: Good morning, E. I hope you have a good day. I can't wait to see you in two weeks.

Emani: Good morning, Lake. Ikr!! I'm so excited. We are going to have a blast :)

I grinned. She always made my day better.

A soft knock sounded, and I got up, opening the door. A note was on the floor addressed to me. I quickly opened the envelope, which smelled like it had been sprayed with perfume.

Dear Lake,

After doing some thinking, I feel ashamed of my actions. I think I had a little too much to drink after finding out the news about my cousin. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. I just hope we can still be friends. I really don't have anyone, and your friendship keeps me going. There are days I feel suicidal, but when I'm with you, it's different. Can we move forward? Plz :(

Love Tiffany

I slammed the door and threw the letter in the trash. I felt bad for Tiffany, but she crossed the line last night. I understand that people go through things, but this was too much. She was too much.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the extra Lake chapter. As you can see, things are out of hand with Tiffany. She isn't happy with herself and is using Lake as a crutch. The next chapter will be in Emani's POV 😍❤️

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