Untitled Part 6

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"Hello, and welcome to Hitz TV. I'm Georgina Farlow. And today we're bringing you Camp Wars, the ultimate summer-camp showdown. Now, there can be only one winner this Final Jam, and your votes are gonna help us decide. Just call or text in after each performance and let us know who you think sang out and who you think hit a wrong note. What's your favorite camp,

Camp Star or Camp Rock" I went back to get ready "As the sun goes down, the volume goes up. Welcome back to the ultimate

summer-camp showdown, where you decide the winner. Now, first up is Camp Star. Now, Camp Star was founded only this year by superstar producer and founder of Star Records, Axel Turner, who's been producing for over 20 years. Now, I know if I was gonna study music, this is the place I'd wanna be" I scoffed and shook my head then camp star went up *I don't know what the song was called* "camp star everyone Remember, if you loved them as much as I did, call or text in now. But don't go anywhere, because in a moment we're gonna hear from Camp Rock" "is everybody ready" I said walking out of the changing room "they nodded" and we were know waiting and Tess walked back and saw me talking to Nate "why are you talking to him he is the enemy" I scoffed "yea to you" she grabbed my arm, but I pulled back "don't talk to me" she scoffed and left "And we're back. If you liked Camp Star, get ready to be blown away by Camp Rock. Now, Camp Rock was founded

by rock icon and legendary lead guitarist Brown Cesario" "you ready" I nodded "yea im ready how bout you Nate" he smirked "im good" then they continued "Ladies and gentlemen, Camp Rock" 

little drummer boy (Nate gray)Where stories live. Discover now