Untitled Part 3

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Right know im standing in Brown's office next to Nate when brown walks in "what's going on" mitchie stepped forward "well you said you needed some new counselers so I found you some" he smiled "then it looks like I should call this staff meeting to order" we left, and I headed to my safe place it was a rock on the side of camp I found a week before camp ended last year while I was sitting I felt someone watching me I just didn't see anyone I was writing a song about me and Nate its called why im just working on the melody when I see Nate fall in the water "are you okay" he nods "yea im great" I smiled "don't suppose you came over hear to see anyone in particular" he shook his head which made me upset "no just came here to exercise" I smile "do you play lots of sports" he looked at me "no just canoeing" I nodded "Im not really sporty either I do some gymnastics though I don't know if it counts as a sport, but I'd kind of love to be a dancer. It's like my nerdy secret, "if I could

be anything, that's what I'd be" wish. What would you be" he shrugged "I don't know never really thought about it" I smiled "Probably because if you could be anything, you'd be you" he chuckled "trinity come on we need help in the kitchen" I looked to see mitchies mom Connie "im coming bye Nate" he waved when I finished, we headed to camp star and know we are kind of in the middle of war world III I walked back to my spot and felt someone watching me I looked around to see Nate I waved and he waved back I stayed in my room until Shane came in "come on" we ran outside and had a giant water balloon fight it was fun but I went back to my cabin and changed out of my soggy clothing and went to find mitchie she came back to the cabin and went straight to bed I shrugged and went to sleep to because of how tired I was I was so tired I could sleep in camel poop and pass out

little drummer boy (Nate gray)Where stories live. Discover now