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Chapter Six.
Merida's P.O.V.

I felt a lump form in my throat as I stared straight ahead and my hand stung from the grip of Astrid holding my hand, her lip quivered in fear and her eyes were glued in front of her. I tugged on her shoulder trying to get her to move as the beast stalked forward, but she wouldn't budge... not even an inch. "Astrid, we have to go." She twitched as if she tried to but her body was glued to the floor, suddenly the beast lunged forward and not even then would she move. Her legs shook and she picked up a rock and threw it forward hitting the beast, that had no effect and suddenly I was the one being dragged. I looked around for a place to hide when a light beamed on my face, the sun was now near setting and I had missed the meeting.

"Merida hurry." Astrid yelled pulling me into a hollow tree, suddenly all the rustling of the floor had stopped and only hollow prints were heard as I clamped a hand over her mouth. Her breathing became choppy as the beast narrowed in on the tree and slowly approached us, its mouth was smears in blood and what seemed like chunks of guts were tangled in the fur around its mouth. The eyes glowed green with a black line in the middle like a cats and his body was shaped like a gigantic bear, its nose twitched as he sniffed the air right before licking his lips and moving closer to the tree. The very light that had kept us alive now had dimmed giving the beast an advantage against us. I felt a tear roll down the middle of the surface of my hand and looked down, Astrid now had placed her hand over mine to keep herself quiet as she breathed in and out loudly. I took my other hand and wrapped it around her waste and pressed her against my when the claw of the beats ripped slightly into the bark and missed her by a second, I myself shrieked along with her as the claws slashed into the bark even more ripping apart my dress on the arm and drew blood. I shakily drew my bow and prepared myself for the thought that I'd have to kill something, but I wasn't hesitant to release and instantly let go when the claws slashed Astrid along her thigh. The monster-thing moaned and ran away once the arrow ripped into his back, but I wonder why he didn't die. I refocused my attention to Astrid who held her thigh as blood slowly oozed out of it and fortunately the wound wasn't deep, but it wasn't long either. I sat her down on the ground and used an arrow to dig through the floor to get dirt and covered her cut in it. "Ow." She hissed in pain as the dirt mixed with her blood and touched her raw flesh, the blood was no longer escaping but to ensure I took the fabric from my cape and ripped off a long piece and wrapped it around her leg and tried it extremely tight to keep it from falling off. "You are hurt too." I ignored her comment.

"Are yo' ready to stand now Astrid?" I asked throwing my cape, it got snagged on the branch out side the hollow tree. She sucked in air and nodded leaning on me for support as we stood, I took a small stepped forward and had almost stepped out of the tree when a larger figure rammed into my side sending me and Astrid flying out of the tree, my bow string had deeply cut my finger and an arrow pierced me in my arm. I hit my back on the tree as Astrid laid sprawled out in front of me, unconscious and vulnerable. I looked up and saw what had it us, the beats had came back... with his friends. "Astrid, please yo've got to wake up or yer dead." I plea and I shook her shoulder, but she didn't move at all, the I noticed the small amount of blood pooling around her head. The group of monsters sniffed the air probably smelling her, I crawled over and dragged her back as I moved away front the beasts. My back hit the tree and I moved away from there and righted my grip on Astrid who now began to move and mumble words as I pulled her along the forest floor. "Astrid ge' up!" I shouted, I went to turn around but we had no more land to tracks along. If I moved any further me and Astrid both would be falling 200 feet down and splatter like paint thrown on a wall, the beasts stalked forward and I drew my bow and released hitting the farthest one in the head. He dropped dead and the growled and continued forth and the most the disgusting thing was that the smallest one rushed over to the dead body and began to brutally rip out the stomach and ate it like no tomorrow. I shouted loudly as I dragged Astrid back away from the Monster, but I couldn't move back so I just dragged her too my side. She coughed and shook herself awake.

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