Flustered | AkaHina

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Pairing: Akaashi Keiji x Hinata Shoyou

Genre: Fluff

Ngl but Hinata and Akaashi are a little OOC in my opinion-


"Can you walk?", Akaashi asked holding his hand out to a rather disabled Hinata.

A little while ago, the orange-haired boy had landed on the floor with a thud when he missed Akaashi's set because he jumped a little too high. He immediately let out a groan as he held his leg tightly. Fortunately it was only a sprained ankle, nothing serious.

"I think I'm fine-" Hinata took the hand and pulled himself up, a bit teary-eyed at the moment-"Akaashi."

When he stepped his injured foot onto the ground, he felt it sting a little--no--a lot. He then collapsed back onto the ground, landing with a thud.

"Hinata!", Akaashi exclaimed, kneeling on the floor in front of him.

Damn, now it really hurt bad. Hinata knew that he could not walk at all but he really wanted to play volleyball with everyone, maybe he could still go on?

"I can still go on.", the ginger said with determination. A sprained ankle was nothing.

"Are you sure?", Akaashi asked concerned that his underclassmen might be going a bit too far. It was just volleyball anyways.


Silence prevailed in the gym for a while.

After a little bit of thinking, Akaashi slid his arms around Hinata minding his injured leg. He then carried him up and walked away from the court, cradling the boy in his arms. 

The quite calm black haired boy was surprised at how light Hinata was. On the other hand, the smaller one went from the Determined Big Boy to Flustered Sunshine. You couldn't blame him though. 

It felt as well as looked odd to be carried around by someone just because of a hurt ankle. I mean, it was nice to know that one of his friends cared for him enough to bring him to the nurse but to carry him to her? 

It felt like he was being babied all over again.

"A-Akaashi-san?", he stuttered softly, hiding his face in the other boy's chest.

"Hm?" Akaashi looked at him and brought himself to a halt. He found the small tangerine boy's ears turn red and smiled.

"I appreciate what you're doing...but could you please put me down..?", Hinata requested.

Akaashi started walking again. "I'm sorry but I can't."

The smaller boy looked at him. His look was a mix of confusion and surprise. "But why?"

"You're hurt.", he answered plainly, his smile remaining. This time, Hinata could get a closer look at his smile. It was quite rare for Akaashi to smile.

For some reason, Hinata couldn't help but blush at the smile of the handsome teen.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?", Hinata said wrapping his arms around the larger boy's neck as he hid his face away clearly flustered.

Akaashi chuckled softly. "Yeah."

"You know, I really like seeing you flustered like this."


Thank you all so much for reading!! I love you all so much <3

Word Count: 506

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