Sleepover Secrets | TsukiHina

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Requested by: sophia_the_grape

Pairing: Tsukishima Kei x Hinata Shoyou

Other Pairings:  Ennoshita Chikara x Tanaka Ryuunosuke

                                 Kageyama Tobio x Yamaguchi Tadashi (Only a little)

                                Asahi Azumane x Nishinoya Yuu?

Genre: Fluff

Thank you so much for requesting!!! Sorry it took so long, I was busy with school. Anygays, lets get into the oneshot-


The entire volleyball team was invited to a sleepover at Daichi's home. Sugawara was the only one that's ever been to his home so it was exciting for most of the team, some like Tsukishima and Kageyama just wouldn't show their enthusiasm. 

Nishinoya and Tanaka were the most excited about it, they had prepared some games for all of them to do. 

Hopefully the 'parents' would allow.


"No one wants to play a board game. Let's play never have I ever.", Nishinoya suggested but was almost immediately rejected.


"Spin the bottle?"


"Fuck marry kill?"

"You know that's banned."

"What about truth or dare?", Hinata interrupted both boys.

"Hmm...surprisingly that's not banned." Sugawara tapped his cheek. "Truth or dare it is! Anyone who wants to play sit in a circle."

"This is stupid." Tsukishima mumbled but he still sat at the circle to participate.

"YAMAGUCHIIIIIIII, truth or dare my lovely kohai?" Anyone could tell there was evil intent hidden in those words.

"Truth", said the first year as he gulped in nervousness.

"Out of all the guys here, who would you date and why?" Tanaka snickered at the poor teen's face, bright red, shocked and flushed with embarrassment.

The greenette in question gulped, glancing at many of his teammates before hesitating, "U-umm- p-probably Ka-kageyama..."

Yamaguchi gulped again at the look of shock on said boys name and glanced to see the rest of his team surprised too. 

He took in another breath of air, "Because h-he has grown-n a-a lot and is a-actually really k-kind and c-caring".

Blushing, he looked away from the boy he was talking about and his his face in his hands, too embarrassed to deal with this.

Kageyama on the other hand was so shocked he looked like a fish with the way his mouth kept opening and closing, face flushed red and body becoming stiff.

A loud laugh broke everyone out of their frozen trance, Tsukishima laughing at a Hinata that fell of his seat. The team was bewildered at what was happening, once again shocked to not only see their orange head bird on the floor of the bus but also to see their tall salt stick actually laughing.

Once this blew over, the game continued.

"Alright, hmm.." Yamaguchi's voice is a bit less squeaky now, although his face is still very red. "Do a headstand."

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