Jealousy ~ Adam Banks

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Yes I'm writing this in third person.

Summary - A new girl comes to Eden Hall Academy and tries to flirt with Adam.

Warnings - None

Words - 1.2k

"Did you hear about the new girl in our class?" Claire asked Y/n as she tapped her pen on her notes. Claire was over at Y/n's house to study for the upcoming Chemistry test. Y/n looked up at Claire with confusion, and shook her head.


"Oh, well her name is Rebecca, she was in Adam and I's History class today. Adam invited her to sit with us at lunch." Claire told Y/n. Y/n was more suspicious on why Adam invited this Rebecca to sit with them tomorrow. Her and Adam weren't dating, but they hooked up here and there.

"She has brown hair, and green eyes. She is taller than me. She also dresses very modest." Claire kept telling Y/n. Y/n just nodded, and then kept on the subject of the Chemistry test which would determine a good part of their grade.

"Goodbye Claire." Y/n hugged her best friend as she left her house. Claire said goodbye, and walked back to her house. Y/n closed the front door, and walked back up to her room. She threw herself on her bed, and stared up at her ceiling. She guessed she would get to meet whoever this Rebecca is tomorrow.

The next day Y/n got up from school, and got ready. She always met Connie who lived across the street from her. Y/n walked out of her house, and let the cold breeze hit her face. She saw Connie come out of her house from across the street, and met her. Connie was roller blading, and Y/n was just walking.

"Did you hear about this Rebecca that is supposed to sit with us?" Y/n asked Connie. Connie stopped roller blading, and looked back at Y/n.

"Rebecca Hanover?" Connie asks Y/n and she just shrugged since Claire only told her Rebecca's first name.
"She dresses Modest, and she has brown hair-."

"Yeah that's her." Connie groaned as she started to skate again. Y/n was confused to why Connie groaned when she figured out that it was Rebecca Hanover.

"Why? Is there something wrong with her?" Y/n questioned Connie as she sped up to her. Connie sighed as she turned to Y/n.

"Rebecca flirts with every guy. She tried to flirt with Charlie in our Personal Finance class yesterday, but Charlie told her to bug off since he is with Claire." Connie explains which made Y/n think that she made have flirted with Adam.
"Don't tell Claire though, we don't need her beating her up."

"I won't." Y/n mumbled as she was scared that Adam and Rebecca were flirting yesterday.

Connie and Y/n arrived to school and met up with the rest of the group. The bell rung and they all and to part their ways. Y/n had English with Julie, Guy, and Averman.

Y/n sat at a table with the other three and she paused when she saw a girl who looked like Rebecca walk in.

"What's your name?" The English teacher, Ms. Thomson, asked the girl with her very monotone voice."

"Rebecca Hanover, Mam." The girl spoke with a thick southern accent. So that was Rebecca. Ms. Thomson told Rebecca to sit at the table right next to where Guy, Y/n, Julie, and Averman were sitting.

"Hey." Rebecca turned over in her seat to face Guy. Y/n and Julie immediately rolled their eyes. Y/n realised that Julie must've met her already too.

"I'm Rebecca." She says very seductively to Guy who showed immediate discomfort since he was with Connie.

"I swear if she doesn't shut her up I will." Julie whispers into Y/n ear. Y/n nods since Rebecca has now flirted with almost every guy in their friend group.

"I'm, uh, Guy." He tells her and she fakes a giggle as she twirls her hair.

"Well, Ghee," She starts with her very thick accent, "How about you and me go to that diner." She winks, and Guy looks at Averman, Y/n, and Julie for help. Luckily, Julie was getting mad, and stepped in.

"He has a girlfriend." She sneered at Rebecca. Rebecca looked at Julie innocently before saying.
"Oh! Are you his girlfriend?"

"No," Julie retorts, "but if she was here you'd be dead." Julie tells her, and Rebecca gives Julie a dirty look before mumbling.


The rest of the day passes and lunch finally comes. Y/n was walking with Goldberg, and Russ. They found their table where Connie, Guy, Julie, Luis,
Dwayne, Ken, Averman, Charlie, and Claire were already there.

They said their hellos, and they started eating but were interrupted when Adam came by the table with Rebecca.

"Hey everyone, this is Rebecca." Adam motions his hand to everyone. Everyone groans an, "I know."

Adam who was oblivious to everyone hatred towards Rebecca sat her next to him. On the other side of Adam was Y/n. Y/n was upset that Adam was barely talking to her. Luis, who was sitting next to Y/n, could notice her getting upset about Adam and Rebecca's flirting. Luis threw his arm over Y/n and leaned into her ear and whispered, "Just go along with it."

"Lookin' good today, Y/n." Luis says out loud to get Adam's attention. It worked since Adam took his attention away from Rebecca to admire Y/n's outfit.

"Okay, get it Luis!" Claire tells him as she winks, as well as Charlie. The two of them caught on to what they were doing. Adam glared at Luis and Y/n before turning back to Rebecca. Y/n bit her lip as it didn't work too well, and that's when Luis leaned into her ear and whispered something.

Y/n's faced turned red and she started to blush profusely. Claire noticed Y/n's blush and asked her why she was blushing.

"Oh you know, I just told her how I wanna-." Luis didn't get to finish his sentence before Adam got up, and dragged Y/n out of the cafeteria. She was smiling since she knew she had made him jealous.

"What was that?" He asked angrily once they were out of the building. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean, Y/n. You and Luis getting all touchy like you and I aren't a thing." Adam tells her, and Y/n blushed at the thought that the two of them were a 'thing.'

"If we are a 'thing' Adam then why are you flirting with Rebecca!" Y/n shouted at him back. He stepped back in confusion. Of course Adam was this oblivious. Y/n rolled her eyes, and she started to walk away slowly back into the cafeteria.

"Y/n! Wait!" Adam called and ran up to her. She turned around to face him. He looked at her, and then to her lips. He leaned in, and kissed Y/n. Y/n immediately kissed him back, and when they broke apart they heard cheers.

The two of them looked to their right to see all of the Ducks plus Claire and Rebecca standing at the window. All of them, but Rebecca were cheering. Y/n smiled at the group, and then at Rebecca who stomped away.

"She needs to find another group." Y/n told Adam as they intertwined their hands and walked back into the cafeteria now officially as girlfriend and boyfriend.

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