Study Partners ~ Charlie Conway

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Hello! This is my first imagine on this book! I will probably do a part two to this part if people would like. I know this probably sucks because I usually do not write in first person, and the rest of these will most likely be in third person because I literally can't write in first person. I hope everyone enjoys!

Warnings - mention of protection between other characters, basically none.

Words - 1.5 k

"Alright class, that will be all for today." Mr. Milligan smiled as the bell rung. Students started to quickly get up out of their seats. I squatted down, and started shoving my folders and and history text book into my back pack.

"Actually, Mr. Conway, Miss. L/n, can you two please come up to see me." I looked up to Mr. Milligan who had just called me. I looked at him confused, and then turned to Charlie Conway who he also called. I picked up my back pack and threw it over my shoulder as I walked up to Mr. Milligan's desk along with Charlie.

"Charlie, as I'm aware of, you are currently not doing too good in history." Mr Milligan started. I felt bad since I could tell that Charlie was embarrassed about the way he was doing in history. Charlie nodded very subtly, and then Mr. Milligan turned to me.

"And you, Y/n, are doing fantastically well in history." I nodded, but scrunched up my face wondering what this was all about. Was Mr. Milligan trying to shame Charlie by boasting about my history grade?

"Charlie, I've heard if you don't bring up your history grade you will not be able to participate in your ice hockey game this Friday, am I correct?" Charlie nodded again, he didn't dare to speak a word. I pushed my hair behind my ear as I tried to catch his eye, but he wasn't having it as he just looked out the window.

"Well, this Thursday we have a test, and since Y/n here has a perfect grade, she will be able to tutor you." Mr Milligan said. My eyes widened, and my cheeks flushed red. Tutoring Charlie would mean I would have to go to his house? Or he would have to go to mine?! I always saw Charlie as cute, and my friend, Emmy, would always drag me along to his games, so she could see her boyfriend Adam play.

"Yeah, sure, Mr. Milligan." Charlie told Mr. Milligan as he swept his golden blonde hair out of his eyes.

"What about you Y/n? Do you agree to tutor Charlie?" Mr Milligan asked me. I didn't want to say no, but I know if I said yes I would find a way to embarrass myself for the time I would have to tutor him. Without even thinking, I just told the two, "yeah of course."

"Great, you two can set up a time after school, and I hope to see your grade go up Charlie." Mr. Milligan pointed to Charlie as he smiled. Charlie sarcastically smiled as he left the classroom. I waved to Mr. Milligan as I followed right behind Charlie. It was the end of the day, and once we were out side of Eden Hall Academy Charlie looked behind himself.

"Y/n, right?" He asked, and I nodded. I would hope he know or remember my name since I've known him since last year.

"Yeah, you're friends with Emmy," He spoke again. Now he was walking right beside me, which I didn't mind at all. I noticed how tall he was compared to me now. He definitely had a growth spurt over the summer.

"Every time I hang out with Adam, him and Emmy are always all over each other." He laughed. I blushed at his laughter. I noticed I stayed silent for awhile, and to let him know I was interested in talking to him I asked one of the most personal questions.

"Why don't you have a girlfriend?" My eyes widened at the questioned, and I noticed a red crept upon his face.
"I'm sorry, you don't have to answer that". I awkwardly laughed as I scratched my arm, and he laughed again.

"No, it's fine. Uhm," He scratched the back of his head. "I guess I just never put much thought into dating."

I nodded. I was a little relief at the answer he gave. It could've been a lot worse like 'I do have a girlfriend' or 'I'm actually talking to someone'.

"What about you? Why don't you have a boyfriend?" He questioned me. I thought about it. I wanted to say 'because you haven't asked me out' but instead I said, "Same as you."

It got to the street where Charlie and I had to part our ways. We waved goodbye, and set up a time to meet at his house tomorrow after school to study for the history test.

"Oh my gosh!" Emmy gushed at me as we walked to school. I had just told her about me going to tutor Charlie. "Once you two start dating you can go on double dates with Adam and I!"

"Emmy! We aren't dating. I'm just going to tutor a friend." I told her as my cheeks glowed with pink. She wiggled her eyes brows at me as she laughed.

"Yeah sure, 'friend'." She put extra emphasis on 'friend.' She quit the teasing when she met up with Adam and Charlie was with him. She soon broke off from me when she had to go to Earth Science and I had Chemistry. I realised I also had Charlie in my class. It was weird to see him in my class since Chemistry was a junior class and we were sophomores.

The day passed by verily quick, and soon I was waiting in the stands with Emmy waiting for them to be done with practise. I never sat in and watched their practise, and let me say, Charlie looked hot. Watching him control the puck, and shoot it was just doing something to me.

After their practise Emmy and I went down to meet Charlie and Adam. Both of them were sweaty, and Adam immediately engulfed Emmy into a hug which she gagged at because of how sweaty he was.

"Well goodbye, I will see you tomorrow Y/n." Emmy winked at me as she walked hand in hand with Adam as they were walking out.

"Bye!" Charlie shouted. "Use protection Adam!" He laughed as he said that and Emmy turned around and flicked him off as they walked out of the door. I was too busy admiring Charlie's sweaty hair to notice that he was staring back at me.

"Y/n? Are you ready?" I snapped out of my trance, and nodded quickly. He smiled, and I followed him out of the school. We were silent for around five minutes until Charlie spoke up.

"When we get back to my house, I need to take a shower, but you can wait in my room." He told me, and I nodded. We were quiet the rest of the way to his house. When we got to his house, he showed me to his room. I watched him grab clothes from his messy closet as he left his room.

I sat my book bag on his floor, and sat on his bed. I looked around his room. I admired each of his posters of hockey players. I looked at the picture of him and the rest do his team on his desk. With the mess, and the hint of cologne it smelled like a normal teenage boy's room.

I got out my history test study guide, and started going over it and waited until Charlie got back into his room.

It was only a matter of ten minutes until he came back. He smelled nice, and his hair looked like it was combed.

"Hey, we can start now." He rushed to his back pack to grab his study guide and at himself right next to me on his bed. I realised I never had been this close to him, but I started anyways.

"Okay, let's start." I told him. We went into depth about the Renaissance, and we were basically worn out by the time we were finished. I wasn't going to lie that the Renaissance was a lot of information.

"Hopefully, thanks to you, I will get a good grade on my test tomorrow." Charlie smiled as we finished. I smiled back, and we stared at each other. I felt like he was about to lean in, but I got scared and said "I should probably go."

"Oh yeah," he laughed. "Ill walk you home?" He offered, and I looked outside. It was well dark now. I nodded since I honestly didn't want to walk by myself.

The walk back to my house was quiet, but peaceful. The breeze was perfect on my face and everything felt nice. Once we reach my house I turned to Charlie who looked upset at our departure.

"Hey Y/n?" He asked, I turned around to face him. "Yes Charlie?"

"Would you let me take you on a date? Like to Richie's?" He asked, and I felt my heart beat out of my chest. I was so glad it was dark so he couldn't see my red face.

"Of course Charlie, I'll see you tomorrow!" I told him. He smiled widely and waved.
"Yeah, see y'a!"

I had a huge smile on my face as I realised I just scored myself a date with the only Charlie Conway.

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