I stood from the chair I had perched on, ready to go and investigate the heavenly smell coming from the kitchen. I looked back at Eli and winked, throwing my words over my shoulder,

"You should know by now I can pull anything off,"

I didn't look back to see his expression.

When I entered the kitchen I stopped short. I had been expecting to see Nuala or Cerridwen stirring something up, instead a short, petite woman stood in the centre of the room, mixing bowl in hand. I had seen her before but even if I hadn't the hair was a dead give away. Golden brown locks, twin to her two sisters. Elain; Eli's aunt stood before me. I had never seen her up close. She had kind of been at the meeting when I met all of the family. She had missed the introductions and instead of joining them fully I caught her lingering by the doorway, concealed by the shadows. She had wandered off halfway through, seemingly disinterested and I hadn't seen her since.

I drew on a smile and cleared my throat announcing my presence
"You must be Elain, Eli's aunt. It's so nice to finally meet you!"

Elain was beautiful, her smile as she met my eyes was captivating and I found myself pulled in by it. Like Feyre, she reminded me of my Aunt Elide, but with Elain it was different. She reminded me of Aunt Elides sweetness but unlike my aunt no fire was lit behind Elains eyes. She reminded me of a flower.

"Oh Evalin, It's so lovely to meet you! I have heard so much about you!"

Eli sweeped in behind me, his hand brushed mine as he made his way over to his aunt with a smile on his face.
"You aren't meant to tell her that, I have a reputation to uphold."

She just pinched his cheeks and batted him away as he tried to pinch the bowl out of her hands.

"My aunt here may be the best cook in all Velaris," Eli boasted proudly. He winnowed and managed to finally taste whatever was in the mixing bowl, "No, no I take that back she is the best," he added a quick wink before she could protest.

I was going to ask about the book. I knew I had asked Azriel to look into it but she was right here, I could find out what I needed and move on. It was on the tip of my tongue before Eli swaggered over to me, grabbed my hand and started to pull me out of the room.

"Come on Evie, I won't disrupt Aunt Elain's cooking for a second longer, you have embarrassing pyjamas to try on,"

As I let him drag me out my eyes did not stray from Elain's. She smiled sympathetically at me and I tried to return the favour but I stalled. Just as I was crossing the threshold out of the room her smile dropped, she was blank. Her face was void of any of the pleasant expression it had held only seconds before.

She was out of sight so I just let myself be pulled along by Eli a bit dazed.

He noticed my dead weight and stopped.
"What's up?"

I shook my head quickly and put on a smile. I'm sure it meant nothing, no need to worry him.
I shook my head and I started to lead the way "Come on loverboy, we wouldn't want to be late!"

When we returned back downstairs the townhouse was now fit to bursting with people. The inner circle were draped over various bits of furniture, still managing to look like they all slotted exactly into place. Eli smiled and dragged me into the room with him. He sunk down into the only available space, a small velvet armchair near the fire. I hesitated and looked around myself searching for an extra seat.
Eli's warm hands circled round my waist and pulled me down on top of him. I glared at him, feeling the apples of my cheeks heating up and no doubt turning an embarrassing shade of pink.
He showed no remorse to my flustered state, if anything it only made him seem more impressed with himself.
He just gave me one of his smiles that drove me insane and winked. "No other seats going spare, I'm just trying to save up some space!"
My only response was flicking his nose to which he scrunched up and then only smiled more. I readjusted myself so I was sat more to his side with my legs draped across him, it seemed more appropriate with his entire family surrounding us, well it was about as appropriate it was ever going to get.
As I looked around I was relieved to find no one had paid it much attention, I heaved a small sigh of relief and let myself fully relax.

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