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"Cameron! Wake the fuck up!"

That's my sister, Bailey. She's a couple years younger than me and in the middle of a bitchy phase.

"Watch your mouth, Bailey!"

And that's my mom.

I get up and begin to get ready for school. I find a simple outfit and walk out of my room. I usually just take a shower and put on whatever in the morning. There is no need for me to make an effort because there is no one to make an effort for. I am pretty much a loner at school. I hoped I wouldn't be because when I changed schools I promised myself I would make friends, but it has been a week and I haven't lived up to that. It's hard when you have generalized anxiety along with social anxiety as an extra little topping.

I go downstairs to pick up a pop tart for breakfast and rush out the door. "Bye Mom! Bye Bailey"

"Bye!" they say in sync.

As I am walking towards the school, ready to go in through the front gate, I see Billie standing there. "Fuck" I whisper to myself and walk around the back. Billie is fucking intimidating and I feel like she is always watching me. Maybe she has that affect on everyone, but it's creepy. I have 3 classes with her and the whole time she just stares at me. I wouldn't say she stares, but studies me, logging my every move in her head.

I wouldn't say I hate the attention though, especially coming from such a beautiful girl. I just hope she doesn't try and talk to me because I am more prone to gay panic than the average lesbian. That, and I have anxiety and that gives me physical tics when I am stressed.

The bell rings and it is time to go to first period, which I have with Billie. She follows closely behind me, passing by her normal spot in the back of the classroom and slowly stepping forward to sit next to me. Fuck. I am already beginning to shake. Keep it together Cameron.

While the teacher is lecturing us on European Imperialism, I can feel Billies eyes on me like a laser, ready to burn through my skin. I  am trying so hard to focus and suppress my tics but I am getting redder and redder the longer she stares. She's so close to me. I end up zoning out, staring at my hands and not taking my mind off of Billie and what she must be thinking.

"Ummm... Cameron. Can you please tell me what year Japan began to imperialize?" I look up, hearing my name. I have no idea what the answer is. That isn't like me. I studied this last night! I should know this! It's Billie, I can't think straight, and her eyes haven't left me since the start of class.

"Cameron?" The teacher sounds worried. I always know the answer. I know I have anxiety, but I study really hard the night before a class so I always know the answer and am ready to participate. It's almost like a seeking validation sort of thing. She always calls on me when she needs someone to keep the lesson going and now, I am stuck in my head. I hear everything going on around me but I can't breach the surface, I can't move. I can't speak.

The teacher just clears her throat and continues the lesson.

After class, she asks me to stay behind to talk to her. "Yes, Ms. Hunt?" I ask, worried of what she is going to ask.

"I am worried about you, Cameron. You never zone out in class, and it has been a pleasure having such an avid learner in the classroom with me. Is something going on that I should know about?" she asks, looking up from her papers.

"No, Ms. Hunt, I just stayed up too late last night studying. It won't happen again." I lie.

"Okay, I am always here to talk if you need me, okay Cameron?"

"Yes, Ms. Hunt. Thank you" I give her a small smile and turn around to see Billie. She's waiting for me.

I try to walk out of the classroom without acknowledging her but right when I step out the door, I feel a soft hand with a firm grip on my arm.

"Wait a second baby"

I slowly turn around, reddening from her choice of names for me. She looks at me and smirks a little and says "I want you in the back of the parking lot after school. If I don't see you, there will be consequences. Got that, baby?" She tightens her grip on my arm until I nod slowly and she releases me, walking away.

What the fuck was that? Is all I can think. I walk over to my locker trying not to fall over from my weak knees and lean against it to catch my breath. I always thought she was hot but I didn't realize she could have that kind of affect on me. That is the first time she ever spoke to me and she had me internally screaming. This is going to be a long day.

I hear the bell ring, jerking me out of my thoughts and rush to class before Billie has a chance to sneak up on me again. I don't have English with Billie so I am actually able to focus for once.

Once we are out of that class, it is time for lunch. I walk into the cafeteria and I am met with Billie's stares yet again, but I go to sit down at my usual spot by myself. I am eating the dry ass chicken burger that we had for lunch today and studying for my next class, economics. I am focused as hell when I feel hot breath on the back of my neck. Billie says "Hey mamas, watcha workin on?" as she put her hands on either side of me on the table, trapping me in.

"econ" I say, not being able to get the full name of the class out.

"good girl. That will come in good use to me."  Billie whispered in my ear and after a few moments, she pulls her mouth away from my ear and walks back to her friends at another table.


Okay so in this book Cameron has tics from anxiety, but Billie doesn't have tourette's. This is purely because I personally have anxiety tics so I know how they are for me day-to-day. I don't know how often Billie tics or what her personal triggers are and I don't want to be inaccurate.

Also, I imagine Billie being blonde in this story but I try not to describe her too much so y'all can pick the era you like best for her character.

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