Smiling into the kiss, she tilts her head and deepens it, taking her girlfriend's top lip into her mouth and sucking gently, running her tongue along the edge. A low, throaty groan vibrates into her mouth and hands come around to her back, arms tightening around her waist until there's no room between them. She glides her hands up, tangling into dark locks and securing their faces together, trying to inhale through her nose but failing badly.

Breaking the kiss only for air, Chaeyoung ducks back down, ghosting her lips over Lisa's and humming when her girlfriend shudders from the touch, edging her neck up a little to try and resume kissing. But she doesn't let in. If there's one thing she loves doing to Lisa (among other things) is teasing her. She loves how riled up her girlfriend gets and how Lisa's bottom lip juts out into a small pout.

There's no use though. Chaeyoung basically invented pouting, so it won't work on her. Then again, Lisa doing just about anything is hard to resist.

Flicking her tongue out, she catches the rim of Lisa's upper lip and pulls away quickly, grinning widely. Lisa's face scrunches up, nose crinkling and eyes narrowing as she shakes her head from side to side.

"Ew, Chaeng," Lisa faux whines, "That's gross."

Chaeyoung leans down, nuzzling their noses together. "You love it."

"I love you," Lisa retorts quickly, eyes shining with sincerity. It makes Chaeyoung's heart flip and do multiple somersaults and all different kinds of gymnastic crap. Kind of like the stuff she used to do back in Freshman year for Coach Sue.

Sinking back down, Chaeyoung brings their lips back together and doesn't hesitate as she licks her way into Lisa's mouth, tracing the roof of her girlfriend's mouth and curling around her teeth. The hands on her back slide down, slipping underneath the hem of her sleep shirt and trailing their way up the smooth skin of her back. She shudders at the touch, her skin tingling and tries not to groan loudly as Lisa’s fingers slip around to the side of her breast, lingering dangerously close.

"Nuh, uh," Chaeyoung mumbles against soft lips that continue pecking at hers. "I've got to," kiss, "go to," long, slow kiss, "work."

Lisa pulls back with a half-smile, half-pout. Chaeyoung feels her head spin and stomach flutter as she ghosts her lips over her girlfriend's one last time. Barely even touching them but pouring as much emotion into it as a passionate, hungry kiss would.

"Me too."

Tipping forward, she rests her forehead against Lisa’s one and smiles down at Lisa. "I really don't want too."

"Me neither," Lisa replies, sliding her hands up the inside of Chaeyoung's t-shirt and grazing down the skin lightly with her nails. "We could just stay in bed all day," Lisa rubs her thumbs up Chaeyoung's ribs, "And just make out," she leans forward, pressing a kiss to Chaeyoung's lips, "And do stuff."

Giggling, Chaeyoung shakes her head, knowing the offer is seriously tempting. "What kinda stuff?" she cocks an eyebrow playfully.

"Hmm..." Lisa pretends to ponder, eyes roaming above Chaeyoung's head and looking at nothing. Seconds late they return. "NC-17 rated stuff me thinks."

Loving the idea, Chaeyoung grinds down subconsciously (even though there's a little part of her that thinks maybe she just likes teasing Lisa) and feels her hips meet Lisa's, the bulge in her girlfriend's boxers press against the apex of her own thighs. They both groan simultaneously.

"Baby, you can't do that," Lisa whines, "Not when we actually have to get up."

Chaeyoung grins before pecking Lisa's lips once, twice, three times and then rolls off, throwing the comforter off in the process. The sensation of the cool air piercing her skin after the warmth makes her grimace, but then the bed dips behind her and tanned legs hang either side of her body. She feels Lisa's arms snake around her midsection, palms pressing flat to her abs and sinks into the embrace, bowing her back slightly.

If It Hurts This Much (Chaelisa)Where stories live. Discover now