#2 the robot and the leader

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The robot boy looked nice enough. He had some sort of faded green armor on around his waist, neck, legs and pretty much everywhere else I could even read his thoughts on his collar "oh cool new people are here" It read. But what interested me most about him was the diamond in the center of his chest. It looked real too....thats probably worth a lot of money.

The other boy looked....boring. He had on a blue oversized hoodie with something that looked like chokers around himself. Two on each of his arms, two on each of his legs and one around his neck. He had on plain jeans and mismatched shoes (one was black the other was white)

The robotic male looked at me and smiled "oh look shuichi more people are here" "Woah really? I didn't notice" I said sarcastically. The boy I'm assuming is called shuichi looked at me then gave me a small wave. why is everyone so laid back we got kidnapped! "That was quite the entrance you two made are you alright?" The robot said as he got off of the desk and approached me "I'm fine" "I think my nose is bleed-" "She's fine too" I answered for her. "Well that's good....i'm rantaro amami by the way, ultimate robot nice to meet you" "Wait we're doing introductions now? L-let me introduce myself too" Shuichi said as he stood up and rushed towards us

"I-i'm shuichi saihara" "Okay what's your talent" His face suddenly turned red as he looked at his feet. What is it? The ultimate hentai artist or something? "I'm the uh.....ultimate supreme leader" "That's what you're so embarrassed about? That sounds cool! Way cooler than just being a detective" I said as I messed with my checked bowtie "it's not cool i-its scary! E-everyone looks up to you like a g-god and sometimes people hire h-hitmen to kill you and- and" The boy rambled as he hugged himself and started breathing heavily. I rolled my eyes "alright I get it you don't have to have a panic attack cherry boy"

Angie smiled awkwardly "please don't mind him he just woke up so he's a little....annoyed" "Oh you guys just woke up too?" I sighed "yep...." His collar changed "oh....i thought they might know something about this situation" It read.

Suddenly a noise echoed throughout the halls

*ding dong dong ding*

The radio was extremely old and broken so it sounded like a series of vaguely rhythmic screeching to me

"Hello? Testing testing"

What the hell kind of voice is that

"Ahem all students please go to the gym I need to make a special announcement"

I rolled my eyes once again "ugh what a pain" "Now, now kokichi think of this as more than a long walk think of it as an opportunity to meet new people!" "That doesn't make me feel better at all"

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