

Suddenly out of Naruto's mouth came good amount of blood. The reason for that? Hassan using moment of Naruto's disregard, swung his sword at Naruto making a line appear on his body which went from thorax to abdomen from which blood erupted forth. Naruto removed his sword from body of his opponent and jumped back just in time to avoid the strike which would have taken his head.

''You b-bastard!'' Said Naruto with blood going down his chin.

''You will suffe-'' 




He could feel it. Blood in his arteries and veins was starting to flow slower and slower. His heart started to beat at fast rate just to keep his body functioning. He was taking deeper and longer breaths just so he could breath. 

''NARUTO!'' Roared Kurama in fury, busy with worms who weren't allowing him to leave them, seeing his friend lose good amount of blood. Thanks to their connection, he knew what was happening to Naruto. Inside him was something he never managed to remove and now it was finally taking an effect. It was a...

''Oi, pay attention on us, you overgrown rabbit!'' Said Mordred as she took a part of Kurama's left leg which made Kurama roar not, in pain, but anger while his leg immediately regenerated making Mordred let out grunt of annoyance.

''What is happening to him?'' Asked Ritsuka confused. Advanced watch he wore on his wrist glowed for a second as hologram of a Romani appeared.

''There is a unknown force in his body which damages him from inside.'' Said Romani as screen in front of him showed 3D version of Naruto's body with red lines going across his body. ''You have to defeat him now. This is your only chance. If you let him retreat, there won't be another another one!'' 

''This is a... poison!?'' Thought Naruto in shock. ''But how? It wasn't him, I would have noticed it. The only one who has ever managed to wound me was...'' 

Before founding of Thousand Year Kingdom

''You gave me large amount of trouble with your actions... sister. Both you and your husband.''  Whispered a voice which was like honey itself. It was a beautiful woman in dress with face hidden behind dark veil with black crown decorated with blue jewels.

On the ground was Arturia, panting as she looked at her sister. Well, half-sister Morgan Le Fay, woman envious of her husband and her who wanted Kingdom of Camelot just for herself. She wanted to be Queen of Camelot, ruling alone, but all of that was ruined when Naruto and Arturia came into picture. 

''Even if you kill me now, Camelot will never fall in your hands. Naruto and Merlyn will make sure of that.'' Said Arturia with smile, enjoying the sight of frustration and anger on Morgan's face once she mentioned her husband and ex-teacher of Morgan.

''Camelot maybe won't fall in my hands now. But with your death, there is no doubt that those two will be hurt, along with that child of yours.'' Said Morgan as she had a knife appear in hand via magic with blade being covered in purple/black substance.

''Forgive me Naruto, Modred. Looks like we will see each other on the other side.'' Thought Arturia with closed eyes.

And just as knife was close instead of Arturia's, it was a man's body which was impaled in abdomen. Arturia saw her husband Naruto standing in front of her as his back was turned towards her.  

''You better run away now Morgan. If you stay, my army will for sure massacre you.'' Said Naruto not giving Morgan even time to curse him or anything as sound of running was coming them from east.

Morgan decided that it was best to leave now, but before she disappeared in black smoke, she gave evil smile to Naruto, who for some reason had a bad feeling inside his chest.

''Naruto, are you alright?'' Asked Arturia with a grateful smile.

''Me? You should see yourself. I should be the one asking if you're okay. Besides this wound is nothing Kurama can't heal.'' Said Naruto with cheeky smile on his face.

Just like it was said to many before him, that mistake will return back to bite him in the ass.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2021 ⏰

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