First night

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I hook my hand with my dad's hand and start walking. My ash-blonde hairs tied into a messy bun and a long white dress. I look up as I see a man in a black suit, with a little smile on his face. His intense gaze was on me, making my cheeks start burning. He didn't look much interested. My dad hands my hand in his. I have a different feeling when he touches me. I look at his dark hairs and charming face, nervousness takes all over my body.


Mr Min: Take care of her.

Priest: Jung Hoseok, do accept Min Y/n as your beloved wife and promise to stay by her side in all situations?

Hoseok: I do.

Priest: Min Y/n, do you accept Jung Hoseok as your beloved husband and promise to stay by his side at all times?

Y/n: I do.

Priest: You may kiss the bride.


Gosh, I can't take this anymore. Before I can process the words of the priest, he starts coming closer to me while keeping his hand on my waist. He pecks my lips as I kiss him back. This is so frustrating.


Everyone gets up and starts clapping. You fake a smile.


You are sitting in the car, feeling nervous.

You take a glance at your husband, Jung Hoseok, who is driving the car.

Your eyes are stuck in him. His handsome features, perfect eyes, lips, nose, everything.

He notices your stare and looks at you.

Hoseok: Are you done staring at me?

You flinch as he says that and look away. After a while, you take another glance at him. You just can't stop looking at his handsomeness.

He suddenly stops the car and turns his eyes towards you which makes you confused.

Hoseok: Don't expect me to be all that lovey-dovey. I am not that type. Stare at me again and you will see what happens.

Your jaw drops as he says that. Anger takes all over your body. You start looking out of the window while thinking about his rude behaviour.

You both reach your new house. He gets out of the car and starts walking towards the door of the house.

He completely ignores you which makes you angry.

You open the door and follow him inside.


I don't like this guy. He doesn't seem interested at all. I didn't know that he would behave like this on the first day of our marriage. Couldn't he be nicer? I am his wife.


You take a bath. As you come out of the restroom, you find hoseok who is already asleep.

You lay on the empty side of the bed. You look at hoseok who is sleeping peacefully with his back facing your side.

You close your eyes and drift to sleep.

~Next morning~

You open your eyes when you hear a manly voice shouting your name.

Hoseok: Y/n...y/n-ah! Y/n it's the morning wake up!

Y/n: *groans* ah, what do you want?

Hoseok: Shut your mouth and get up. I want breakfast.

You get up and sit straight on the bed while looking at him.

Y/n: Where are the maids? Aren't they supposed to be making breakfast?

You rub your eyes while fixing your hairs.

Hoseok: The maids don't work anymore. I want you to prepare the food for me.

Y/n: But-

Hoseok: Shut up! I want my food in 15 minutes. I have to go to work also.

He leaves the room while slamming the door. You stare at the door with angry eyes.

You never expected him to be so arrogant and cold towards you.

You fix your clothes and go downstairs towards the kitchen to make breakfast.He leaves after eating breakfast in a hurry.

You take a bath and go to your work. You work as a fashion designer.

~Time skip~

It's 8 pm now. You were designing clothes when you get a text from Hoseok.


Hoseok: When will you come home?
Y/n: 30 mins.
Hoseok: Come home quick.

After finishing your work, you get in your car and start driving back to your house.

When you reach home, you open the door and find Hoseok sitting on the couch.

You ignore him and start walking towards your bedroom.

You stop in your tracks as you hear him calling your name.

Hoseok: Y/n?

Y/n: Yes?

Hoseok: What took you so long?

Y/n: I h-had extra work today.

Hoseok: Really?

He stands up and slowly walks towards you which makes you flinch a little.

Hoseok: I don't wanna see you coming home this late. You better come home early next time.

Y/n: I-I understand.

Hoseok: Good. Now I am hungry.

Y/n: Dinner, I will make it for you.

He goes back to his bedroom while you start preparing dinner.


Why is he like this? He scares me sometimes. I am his wife, not his servant. I wish he changes and things get better soon.

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