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Hello! Back at it with another monthly challenge, this time hosted by my friends and myself!! If you want to participate, you can find the link on my convo board :)
Please know that I will not do the daily prompts because it is pressuring to keep up with it.

Day 1 prompt: "You have to let me go"
Notes: set in Rebels Era

It was quiet as Ahsoka stared up at the sky, stars flicked along a black canvas with an occasional wind whistling through the air. The moon was full, the silver white light shining above the trees she was amidst.

It was finally over. The force felt lighter, the stains of the overruling dark put back into balance. But it wouldn't be the same as before. It could never go back to the way it was. The force had evolved, adapted to the new age that it had spared Ahsoka to live in. Some miles away, she could see smoke rising into the dark, her montrals catching the faint joyful singing of the rebellion.

The togruta smiled slightly, her eyes watering up, either from happiness or the opposite, she didn't know. She had watched from the shadows as Luke Skywalker, her master's son (he resembled Skyguy so much with those crystal blue eyes and determined look) declared that Vader had turned good in the end. He had reverted back, going against what Master Yoda had told her about there being no way from coming back from the dark side.

But Anakin was always a special case and did things his own way. He would always do his best to prove someone wrong if their opinion contradicted theirs. He did it back then when Obi-Wan or Ahsoka's plans seemed too dull, and they would all laugh as they saw that they had survived yet another day.

A tear slipped down Ahsoka's cheek, the transparent trail gleaming under the moonlight.

It finally hit her then. He had come back. In the end, she felt her dormant bond spark to life as his supernova light flooded it and the force around her. She had reached out, hope igniting within herself, only to find...nothing. He was gone before she could even find him, showing himself in his last moments before death had whisked him away. His dramatics, whether intentional or not, had always amused her, but that just seemed like a cruel joke now, a mocking of the olden days.

She brought her hand up to her cheek, her finger gently cleaning the tear off of her matured wing markings.

Yes, she was somewhat happy, but she wished it never turned out this way. More than fifteen years surviving under the Empire on the run, always having to watch her back to make sure she wasn't spotted; that wasn't how she wanted to spend a quarter of her life doing, and yet, it came to that.

She was tired. Not tired as a desire to go to bed drained, but tired as wanting to sleep and never wake up, a weariness resting deep in her bones. A girl, thrown into a war at fourteen years old. A girl leading as a teenage commander in the army, a military figure. A girl framed for a bombing at sixteen years old shunned from the home she thought she could trust. A girl that lost everything, her soldiers, her friends, her vode at the age of seventeen. She wasn't even a fully-fledged adult when Order 66 had wiped out everything she once knew. She wasn't supposed to be burying bodies during her younger years the Clone Wars wasn't even supposed to happen. The Jedi were supposed to be peacekeepers like the morals had foretold.

She was bitter now, scowling as remnants of the past ran through her head. Her head cleared as a cooling presence entered her periphery, dragging her out of the pits of her hellish mind.

Now that she was back in reality, Ahsoka sensed a familiar presence behind her, softly gasping as she realized who it was, everything clicking together. She had gone to that person time and time again, for guidance, for teaching, for comfort, for love, for so many things. She didn't turn her back as the figure drew closer, their ghostly hand reaching up to touch her shoulder.

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