Spark of War, Sinch of Fate

5 0 0

28th Sun 
Second Astral Moon 
4:19 PM
Dravanian In-lands 

The ensuing fight that pit Yda and Papalymo against Fei was one of rather unusual proportions; Yda, on one hand, was an effectively serious fighter who had no problem getting up close and personal with someone like him. However, Papalymo on the other hand was a magic wielding space-maker who had no intention of allowing Fei to even touch him.

And the thing was, Fei could handle the both of them on his own.

Clashing fist to spear was an altercation that neither the pugilist or lancer were afraid of getting into, but it soon became clear as day that Yda may have bitten off more than she could chew. Bobbing and weaving around all of her strikes, Fei took note of the way she threw her punches and the stance she took thereof; she would constantly set up her own windows of dodging opportunity after every hit, preparing for a stab or swing that never came as a result. Catching on to this and being able to easily read it after only a few missed hits, Fei would wait until Yda whiffed a downward hook and stepped to the side, giving him the chance to spin his weapon around and bluntly bash her in the skull. With this, he'd continue the combination, successfully connecting with swift flicks of his spear to Yda's chin or hard and heavy spins that sent his weapon colliding with her cheek. She was already dazed 30 seconds into their collision, and with Papalymo opting to stay as far away from the assassin as possible, he'd begin to shoot out spells such as Thunder or Stone while his partner's vision began to fade.

"Oh, look at you, being a real helper to your friend," Fei would taunt the Lalafell. "Here I thought she was joking about you not wanting her around, but now…!"

This only served to tick Papalymo off. He'd continue with the castings of spells ranging from any and all elements and types--doing everything in his power possible to get this fiend away from Yda.

"I'd query that you don't know a damn thing about us, instead!"

As the energy within his wand ramped up further and further, Papalymo couldn't find himself in complete control of his magic as Fei seized the advantage of both his offense and his emotions. He gave one last flick on the top of the head to a still stunned Yda before pulling back and going to stab her right in the eye; however, before the stab had reached her mask, an array of ice spikes impaled Fei's arm and caused him to retreat--Papalymo finally got his bearings back and was starting to close the gap between the two of them, refusing to cease with his casting in order to buy Yda the time she needed to recover.

"Don't get cocky, pupil!"

Wait. How did Fei…

Those four words were all it took to throw Papalymo off. With the battle back in his hands as soon it left him, the Au Ra took a mad dash forward and short-hopped into the air, making a 360 degree spin fast enough to knock Papalymo off his feet, grab his ankle, spin again, and throw him right into Yda. The collision sent both of them spiraling into a rock behind them, creating dusted clouds around the mound of stone and allowing Fei to breathe after a long portion of constant fighting.

"Huff...I'll admit, you two alone provided me with more of a thrill than the seven I took on earlier. Well, except for the guy who actually got a hit on me. He was the only one who seemed to give a damn the whole fight. And that Hrothgar too, for the matter."

Dusting off his damaged shoulder pad as he began to stride towards the duo of Scions, Fei spun around his lance comfortably before stopping right in front of Yda and Papalymo. The former was unconscious with enough of her mask broken to see one of her blue eyes, while the latter had surely been on his way to a much more unfortunate fate. Fei raised his spear high, gripped the hilt, and lodged it down onto Papalymo's neck.

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