The grass was still wet and looked almost black in the twilight. When they reached Hagrid's hut, they knocked, and a voice growled, "C'min."

Hagrid was sitting in his shirtsleeves at his scrubbed wooden table; his boarhound, Fang, had his head in Hagrid's lap. One look told them that Hagrid had been drinking a lot; there was a pewter tankard almost as big as a bucket in front of him, and he seemed to be having difficulty getting them into focus.

"'Spect it's a record," he said thickly, when he recognized them. "Don' reckon they've ever had a teacher who lasted on'y a day before."

"You haven't been fired, Hagrid!" Gasped Hermione.

"Not yet," said Hagrid miserably, taking a huge gulp of whatever was in the tankard. "But's only a matter o' time, I'n't, after Malfoy..."

They made their way over to the couch and Rose awkwardly followed.

"How is he?" said Ron as they all sat down. "It wasn't serious, was it?"

"Madam Pomfrey fixed him best she could," said Hagrid fully, "but he's sayin' it's still agony... covered in bandages.... moanin'..."

"He's faking it," said Harry at once. "Madam Pomfrey can mend anything. She regrew half my bones last year. Trust Malfoy to milk it or all it's worth."

"School gov'nors have bin told, o' course," said Hagrid miserably. "They reckon i started too big. Shoulda left Hippogriffs fer later... one flobberworms or summat.... Jus' thought it'd make a good firs' lessons all my fault..."

Rose looked at Hagrid sympathetically.

"It's all Malfoys fault, Hagrid!" said Hermione earnestly.

"We're witnesses," said Harry. "You said Hippogriffs attack if you insult them. It's Malfoy's problem that he wasn't listening. Well tell Dumbledore what really happened."

"Yeah, don't worry. Hagrid, well back you up," said Ron.

Tears leaked out of the crinkled corners of Hagrid's beetle-black eyes. He grabbed both Harry and Ron into a bone-crushing hug.

Rose sat there looking around awkwardly, still.

"I think you've had enough to drink, Hagrid," said Hermione firmly. She took the tankard from the table and went outside to empty it.

"Ah, maybe she's right," said Hagrid, letting go of Harry and Ron, who both staggered away, rubbing their ribs. Hagrid heaved himself out of his chair and followed Hermione unsteadily outside. They heard a loud splash.

"What's he done?" said Harry nervously as Hermione came back in with the empty tankard.

"Stuck his head in the water barrel," said Hermione, putting the tankard away.

"So what exactly is going to happen to Buckbeak?" Rose finally spoke up, startling the trio who had forgotten she was there.

"We don't know." Said Ron rudely. Harry nudged his side hard.

"There was no need to take that tone with me." Rose rolled her eyes.

"There's no need to roll your eyes at me." He said back.

"I'm sorry, i forgot you were the queen of England."

Before they could argue any further, Hagrid came back, his long hair and beard sopping wet, wiping the water out of his eyes.

"That's better," he said, shaking his head like a dog and drenching them all. "Listen, it was good of yeh ter come an' see me, I really—"

Hagrid stopped dead, staring at Harry and Rose as though he'd only just realized they were there.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐡𝗼 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝗼𝐰; Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now