Day at work

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About a day after the small walk you went on with Albedo, the rain ceased however it was still cloudy to the point the sun was not visible. it was a calm day, after you both returned from your walk he read through some of his notes while sketching something while you stared out the window, a little bored but somewhat relaxed by the rain that tapped the window.

you couldn't place what you liked so much about the rain, it just felt cleansing, like it be ridded the world of the beings who wanted to do wrong. But you were quiet, Albedo was quiet, as it was just nice to bask in each others presence.

the day after that, as stated was not as rainy and gloomy but still had clouds overcasting the sun. Klee was cooped up in her room all day yesterday so in turn Jean wanted her energy to be spent a little before letting her run around. and so, she let her help Albedo after hearing he was ready to begin his research again.

"Hey Klee!" the small girl dressed in red looked over to the main entrance of the knights headquarters to see you standing there with Albedo reading something at your side. "Hi!" she giggled running towards you with her goofy smile. of course, Klee hugged Albedo then you then the three of you continued through the building, walking up the steps as you stretched.

"What are you researching today?" Klee asked, Albedo looked down at her from his papers and looked back at them before speaking. "When Y/n was kidnapped by the abyss mages, I'm investigating if she has any relations with the abyss" Klee looked to you for your reaction, seeing you minorly confused.

"Really? how will you be able to research that?" he shrugged, opening the door to his lab slowly "Well, there's various ways i could try. your blood might have abyssal energy, which would make you a part of the order in some way" he set the papers on the specimen table while you leaned against the desk and klee sat in the chair behind the desk

"Does that mean blood samples?" he shrugged, "i will not draw blood if are against it" you and Albedo continued to converse over this topic for a good ten minutes until Klee's voice brought your attention to the papers on his desk "Albedo sure does have a lot of drawings of you in his papers Y/n!"

You peeked over your shoulder, Klee was looking through Albedo's papers as she swayed side to side trying to entertain herself while you two spoke of something she couldn't understand. "Does he?" she nodded and picked one of the pictures up and tried to show you but Albedo seemed to be quick to halt that.

"Klee, I've told you not to go through my papers without my knowledge" She giggled, tapping her knees as she tried not to look him in the eyes. "I'm sorry, i was just a little bored.." he patted the girls head and kneeled down to give her a little hug, making up peacefully unlike most siblings.

"aw how cute, now i want a hug" you giggled, wandering around the lab as the two made up and Albedo returned to the specimen table you were leaning on. and just like that he got right back to business, "Are you comfortable with drawing blood?" he asked politely, "Why didn't you ask me this stuff when you pushed me off the cliff that one time?"

He smiled to himself, "i apologize, that was on impulse.." with a small shrug you dismissed the thoughts of the former experiment and put on a bright smile. "I'm fine with drawing blood, i think I'll be fine" he nodded, opening his hand for you to place your open palm into and you did, slowly since you were in no rush.

he took a small knife, normally used to insect animals, and gently pushed it against your index finger then took a vial to let the blood drip in as to not interfere with any natural energy that might be in it. He watched you wince in pain, setting the vial and knife down before asking Klee for one of the many bandages she kept handy in her bag and placed a hand on your head to comfort you.

"I'll be fine, It's..just a little cut" you reassured him with a confident smile and Klee hurried over to you with a small bandage in hand and she herself applied it the the wound, she kissed your finger and giggled, "when my mom was around, she would kiss my scratches whenever i got hurt. they made me feel so much better!"

You rubbed the girls face with the same smile while Albedo began to tamper with the blood sample and a few potions that would apparently solidify abyssal energy within your very blood. that is, unless the moment it left your body was the moment the abyss' energy left? no matter, you above all people wanted to know why you were confined by the abyss, what was it they wanted with you?

Who was it that spoke to you while you were captured, a bone chilling voice that spoke a warning, you wanted none of your friends to be hurt, not even Scaramouche as wild as that may sound. Yet, he spoke as if there lives were in there hands, in their future plans for the world, what would happen to those you held dear?

and what exactly were they planning to make you a part of?


"she's out of our grasp for now, the fatui have had there hands on her therefor she's being watched and monitored a lot more then she was before" spoke a voice, whom seemed irritated at how his planning was turning out.

he had no idea of the relations shared between the goddess of creation and the cryo god, but then again how exactly were they related? If Radisana was a god thousands of years before the death of the original cryo god then how could they share a blood relation? well, you see, sometimes people are siblings mentally but not biologically. quite common actually.

The goddess of creation was powerful and well known during the archon, she rivaled the god of geo, Morax with her ability to create anything at will. during this time she made many friends and many enemies, those she befriended became something like family to her and years and years down the line, she stayed in touch with one, specific family, to which the Tsaritsa was born mortal within this family.

Radisana did often come to visit the small girl and the girl came to know her as an older sister, but, when she suddenly disappeared without a trace..well, let's say the mortal girl had trouble making friends with anyone else.

"Prince, even if we capture her, it is unlikely she will comply.." spoke a raspy low voice, referring to whoever he was speaking to by the name 'prince'. "She will, she has no choice.." he swirled his sword of black, this prince, what was he planning?


Golden child,

Lion boy;

tell me, what's it like to conquer?

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