Half of the divine

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You covered your mouth, laughter was difficult to subdue and right now it felt unbearable. "What the heck happened to you!?" you burst into Laughter, Kaeya begun to laugh along as well.

Albedo simply stared, aggravated and cold, "Kaeya, get out" at the present time, Albedo must have accidentally made something explode, because, his face was covered in green powder. the thing that made it so funny was the fact you could barely tell where his eyes were due to such a similar shade of green.

"let me get a kamera!" he left, so you walked over to the door and closed it, still giggling uncontrollably. Albedo sighed, searching for a rag to clean his face up a little, "i-I'm sorry for laughing..it was just unexpected!"

"It's fine" his voice calm and cold, "why are you here so late?" you wondered over to the specimen table, "Noelle told me you don't take care of yourself, do minimal to do so" after unpackaging the soup, you set it aside.

"So she wanted me to bring this for you, It's really good!" he crossed his arms, his face now completely clean, though he was silent. "Thank you" that cold tone still lingered, he said nothing else so you stood there not knowing if he needed you to stay for something or if you could just leave.

"I got a Kamera!" Kaeya burst through the door, but frowned seeing Albedo already cleaned himself up, "get out, I'm busy" Albedo hissed. Kaeya visibly shivered, "Why so cold?' he asked however didn't await an answer.

"Alright, come Y/n It'd be my pleasure to walk you home" after nodding and thanking Kaeya the two of you left, leaving Albedo alone.

Although he refused to show it, he felt a little disappointed in himself for not making that offer before the flirty knight Kaeya, because now he had no way to know what Kaeya would try.

"Why do you let him perform experiments on you, Y/n?"

Kaeya asked, out of the blue. "because, if anyone can find out why I'm still alive.." you paused, rubbing your cold hands together, "It's him, and only him" Kaeya smirked, visible from the corner of your eye.

"It seems to me you like him a little more then you think"

you looked up at him, a little confused, "what do you mean?" he patted the top of your head as if in his eyes, you were a child. "Do you have any recollection of what love is?" he asked, amusement evident on his lips.

"What is love?"(baby don't hurt me)

"Love?" he stuffed his hands into his pockets, the vision on his hip glowing in the dark, it caught your attention birthing new curiosity. "Love is an emotion produced after you spend time with someone you care for.."

"Love is very special and true love is something more rare then the visions we bare!"

a entirely new voice chimed into the conversation from above, and upon looking up your gaze landed on the bard dressed in green as he glided down to land beside you. "Man I'm lucky Diluc let me leave, he'll probably hunt me down tomorrow"

Kaeya greeted the bard with a smirk and a wave, "been a while Barbatos" Venti laughed "No need for formalities, just call me Venti" Kaeya nodded with a smile. "I was walking Y/n home, care to join us?"

the bard happily nodded, his Lyre appearing in hand as his fingers delicately strummed the strings, "I taught Y/n a song last time she was in Mondstadt, do you remember?" you nodded and begun to sing quietly as he played his lyre.


You bid farewell to the trouble makers and went inside the home, and went to bed the moment you reached your room.

through the night you slept peacefully, no disturbance until your body told itself that waking up without reason was necessary. However there was a reason, your mind simply wouldn't let you remember is all.

you got up and rubbed your eyes until you could see outer space, which lead to making you dizzy "ugh.." you wondered to the door opened it sluggishly. no sounds alerted you so you continued downstairs to get a drink.

the wooden floor boards creaked as you walked down the stairs and to the kitchen, the moonlight peaked through the curtains, illuminating the room a minor amount, other then the lamp grass it was the only other light source.

As you got a glass of water, the front door opened, you took a double take and asked yourself who could be at the door. And at that moment, you panicked, 'could it be the fatui?!' after glancing around for a place to hide.

you figured you could hide under the small table or empty cupboard, but in your haste you made quite the racket, therefor alerting whoever was home. you peeked out of the cupboard, and saw an illuminated silhouette.

whom was approaching your hiding place as if they watched you crawl in there, "Ah go away!" you screeched in fear, "Go away? Your in my house" you slowly looked up and let out a swift and relieved sigh.

"o-oh.." you crawled out of your hiding spot and stood up, "Why are you still awake?" you finished your glass of water "doesn't matter, why are you here? i thought you would stay in that lab for at least a week"

A sigh left his mouth, "I see you've given thought to the rumors, i may want to spend all the time i can on research but i fear my master wouldn't be proud of me if she knew i wasn't taking care of myself.."

Now that you gave it thought, Albedo didn't seem like the kind of person to fail to take care of himself let alone others, "After all, i am looking after you now, for the time being at least" he yawned, his green gaze holding wariness.

"Were you waiting for me by chance?" his head tilted, examining the confused and tired look on your face. "No, i just woke up for whatever reason" you walked passed him while yawning, "Speaking of, I'm gonna go back to bed, g'night" 

he hung up his over coat leaving his simple blue tight shirt on, his green optics glowing blue in the pale blue light of the moon.

"Goodnight, i suppose.."

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