Once gone, once home

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"aha.." Klee had woken you up once the sun peeked through the window, shaking you from a lovely dream of a field of Cecilia's. "Wake up!" she called as she flopped onto your stomach, "That nice maid made us breakfast!"

you managed to get her off you and sat up, leaving the comfy warmth of the oversized bed "Well we can't miss breakfast" Klee giggled and started getting ready. having nothing but the clothes on your back, you just had to brush your hair.

"She left some clothes too, i forgot hehe"

she carefully handed you the neatly folded clothes, and got dressed quickly, they weren't very pristine, not as formal or fancy as you thought so it was safe to assume these were spare clothes. "remind me to tell her thanks"

For reasons unknown, your spunk was pretty low this morning, was it the unfamiliar surroundings? Or was it separation anxiety?

"can i do your hair, please?" Klee smiled up at you as you tied the bow around your waist, "sure" Klee took notice of your lack of energy rather quickly. "I miss him, do you?" she asked thoughtfully.

"miss who?" the brush pulled out all the knots in your (H/l) hair and helped your tense body relax, "Albedo" she replied bluntly and calmly as she should for she didn't know how it felt to be in the dark about everything, including your own emotions.

"I dunno, just wanna be home, would you draw me something when we get back?" she hopped down and giggled "Duh! I wanna be able to draw like Albedo so i can really make you happy!" seeing her bright smile always refreshed you.

"Thank you Klee" with that, the pair went down to eat and to converse with the mansions owner, receiving a minor lecture.


After apologizing to the kind yet scary Diluc, he sent you off with Klee to guide you to Mondstadt.

To your surprise, someone waited just outside for the both of you "Yay! Albedo!" Klee jumped happily after catching sight of the blond. "Thank Barbatos.." he whispered, "Are you alright?" he stepped closer and examined your uninjured face.

"I'm fine, Klee made sure no one came to take me away again" she giggled and let go of your hand to fix her bag, "And i haven't used any bombs...! yet.." you walked out of the shade and looked up at the sky.

"Hm, it feels nice out!" Klee ran ahead of you and you followed, "Hold on!" he sighed and watched you both run along the path to Mondstadt, wondering how he had been able to handle the two of you since you met each other.

Klee sped ahead of you, leaving you in the dust, her laughter fading the further she got "I envy your energy" softly a hand patted your back while you panted from running. "Aha, maybe if you let yourself have some fun you'd have more energy?"

"I have fun when I'm doing my job" he stated bluntly, "That's not true, you looked like you were having fun during that snowball fight we had, you had a lot of energy then too!" his blank gaze filled with minor amusement for a moment.

"I suppose i did" the gentle breeze carried song on the wind that came from the chirping birds and sounds of music coming from Mondstadt in the far distance, "By the way, i got a chance to speak with that bard you mentioned, Venti correct?"

you nodded, kicking at a few lumps of dirt on the path, "I'm not one to use my smarts against people, however, i managed to get something from the bard i did not expect.." you chuckled and glanced over to meet his gaze.

"I never knew an eighth archon ever existed.."

He wore a disheartened expression as if he was hurt, why was it you didn't mention it to him again? Perhaps forgetfulness? "Do you have any reason to not mention this to me? if i may know that is" You did not like the cold in his voice one bit.

It was bitter and had some passive aggression lingering in its tone, "Well..uh.." you fidgeted with your sleeves, "I guess..i forgot?" his frown deepened. "i guess i cannot blame you for being forgetful.."

"come, Klee gets distracted by things easily without someone to be there with her" hearing that lingering tone disperse, a smile appeared on your face "Well i guess we should hurry then!" you offered him your hand, to which he clearly hesitated.

"C'mon, your always so sure of yourself when your in the lab, why not be sure of yourself now?"

'why can't you?'

"i.." he grasped your hand gently, slowly, but came at peace with himself and accepted the fact that, he can no longer hesitate, to hold those dear is to live with them in the moments there with you, not to distance yourself.

"We should hurry.." with that, he allowed your overenergized and spunky personality to follow the path to Mondstadt, hopefully to catch up with Klee.


sorry its a little short, but ya boi is back, and he as pretty as ever.

also, how's it going with saving for venti? my bitch ass will be rolling for hu Tao just to roll while i save on a different account

for the sake of those who will roll for Hu tao i wish you all good luck.

Pure (Albedo x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt