"Dont worry I aint trying to take your man, Mines in the pool."
She pointed to steve splashing a small 6 year old in the pool while another kid was holding onto his neck.

(Dont worry they adopted, and they also foster.)

"You'll have to introduce us." Sam winked. She giggled at him, bucky turned around to see his drink magically appear.


The three walked into the pool.

"Steve. I have some people that want to meet you."
Steve turned around his beard was soaked, the two kids dangled around him.

"Hello boys, I'm Steve rogers, this 'ere is Peggy and Scarlett, here Brothers peitro and Pete are in the pool. Some where."
He held out his hand.

Bucky took his hand " I'm bucky this is sam."

"And they're confused lovers." Nat added.

"Just like there 'uncle' Tony. He's coming soon with his boys and girls."

The youngest peggy who was about two held out her hands squeezein them open and closed.
Sam giggled and gave his pointer finger to her.

So he's good with kids

"My sisters boys are just the same as Pietro and Peter, always together causing trouble." Sam giggled again.

Bucky swam over to the deep end, kicking his arms up.

A soft salty breeze filled his nose.
Sam swam over.

"Hey cutie got any hubbie I need to worry about." Bucky snickered.

"Ye, and he kinda looks like you." He tapped his nose.

Sam wrapped his legs around Bucky's waist. Bucky hummed a soft tune the music around them started up.

Sam rested his head on his shoulder. "I love you" he said softly.

Bucky leaned in a said 'mine' like the seagull from finding nemo.

Sam grinned and smiled back and repeated buckys words, they went back and forth until flagged over by nat.

They swam over.

"Tony this is Bucky and Sam."

"Hello boys, I'm Tony this is my wife pepper. My kids Peter, Morgan, Jarvis, Lucy (friday), and Logan (vision)."

The men nodded.

Bucky sat and talked with Steve for a while, sam was out with Tony, tossing the kids around the pool, loud laughing and giggles could be herd.

"You know I think that ones a keeper."


"How'd you earn that?"

"I was on a mission group 107th."

"No way, my parent served in there, I did aswell."

"Strange we never ran into each other."

"I was stationed in Italy, thats why probably, Same group diffrent base."
Steve said.

"I was in Germany."


After some times of catching up the two group headed into the ship for dinner. Apparently there was a fourth family, a bit larger.

"Thor...Bruce!" Tony shouted.

Two kids came running behind them was a taller man with a goatee and grey side hairs, besides him was a shorter man named wong, on the other side was strange wife.  A smaller group of kids infont of them.

"Nice to meet you two." The man held out his hand. Bucky smiled and shook it.

"These little shits are Thor, Bruce, clint, Rodney is my friend's kid, So is shuri and ta'challa."

They took up half the restaurant.

After dinner everyone parted ways, not so much Natasha and them, they were a few rooms over.

"Bucky Wanna race?" Peter asked him.

"I wanna !"  Peitro and Scarlett joined in.

"If I red then Sam's racing too."

"YEAH" the small trio said loudly.

"Boys still be quiet its almost 8pm"
Steve said sternly.

"Okay dad."

"Three, two, one go!"

The five shot down the hall going separately, sam and bucky ran straight, the boys turned some where, they knew if they kept going straight then climbed the outside stairs they would meet at the last second.

Out side

The trio and the two boys met up.

"DANG IT" Peter yelped loudly.

"Shh dads gonna yell at you." Scarlett hushed him.

Sam and bucky chuckled.

"Night night you three." Bucky smiled opening the room door.

After about 4  minutes, Steve knocked on the door.

"Room service." He spoke in a women's tone.

Sam went over and opened the door.

"You guys wanna go run around the ship a bit more?"



I hope you guys enjoyed this one, we're nearing the end. Let me know if you guys would like another mini cruise series more like sebastian stans newst movie coming out 'monday'

Other then that signing off your writer.

+Sambucky+ //re-editing Soon//Where stories live. Discover now