A Brief Disclaimer (A/N)

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If you're coming here from my one shot book, hello! Thanks for checking this out. And if you're new, a warm welcome to you! I hope you stick around!

I figured I'd explain before we move on.

So as the description said, this book isn't complete yet. And until it is, we won't update. This is to prevent any long unforeseen gaps of time between posts. It means you'll have to wait a bit longer until we finish, but I figure this works better for everyone. You'll get a timely upload schedule, myself and my co-author @offline_songs don't have to stress or feel guilt if a particular chapter takes us more time to finish. Win-win. We pulled a big brain.

Expect things to change between now and the final product. I may tweak the cover or we may edit the description, etc. There's gonna be an updated disclaimer section with warnings, our thoughts on shipping, all that jazz. And I plan on starting the book off with something fun as well.

Allow us a moment to pat ourselves on the back. We really popped off with this one. Like *chef's kiss* And that cover? Bruh that is straight up a r t. We got plot lines, we got character development, we got a n g s t, the w o r k s.

Go ahead and save this book to your library so you'll know when we start posting chapters. We're thinking it'll be twice a week.

Also, you guys have probably figured this out, but this disclaimer will be deleted once we start publishing chapters. As mentioned before, it'll be replaced with a better one.

Without further ado, let's get to the prologue!

*TEASER* Star Wars: A Forged Alliance - Week[e]manTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang